Suggestions of basic references about Electronics

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Newbie level 4
Apr 10, 2007
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i am student eng electronic but i dont know about electronic please gide me?

Re: student electronic

What do you want to know?
Your studying electronics so there you will learn the basics I think?

If you have never done anything with what kind of electronics you can simply start with a battery 4.5V, 2 bulbs 4.5V, some wire and a switch.

Try to make parallel / serial circuits, switching and so on. Check the internet for the fysics.

If this is what you mean I can draw some schematics for it.

student electronic

refer basic electronics by v.k.mehta

Re: student electronic

Basic Electronics By Bernard Grob and then Electronics Principle by Albert Paul Malvino will help.


Re: student electronic

Start reading by Electronics Devices, Floyd.
Side-by-side also read Electronics Principles, Malvino.

student electronic

First of all you should have to know the definition of electronic.... What is electronic?

student electronic

i offer you

Re: student electronic

My advice is Just be on connect with this great forum.

student electronic

hi there,

this is what i did when i was new to electronics...

i involved myself to electronic project kits, and after that i was starting to ask how are those things done and what are the factors considered to come up with such a particular circuit... of course you must also learn the basics of DC and AC circuits... and all will come without noticing that you are now able to design your own circuit... reading the books above will help you a lot...


Re: student electronic

What are you specifically looking for? What you want can range from Electronics for Dummies to advanced designs.

student electronic

go thru Boylestead its a good book

student electronic

it is pertinenet to refer THE ART OF ELECTRONICS ..a bible for electronics...and also cast all your queries here

Re: student electronic


Yes The Art of Electronics is highly recommended.

I got hold of The student Manual for this book.

Anybody interested I can upload it.


Re: student electronic

basic electronics by floyed

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