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Strobe LED for model plane

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jul 14, 2011
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Hello All

This is my first post. I tracked down this forum and it looks like I might be able to get some help. I am in the process of building a Revell Airbus A380 model and I was thinking of building a circuit that will emulate the strobe effects that the real A380 has. Here is a link of a video of what I am trying to accomplish:

Flashing Strobe Effect A380

I have been searching extensively for circuits that can do that, but the only ones that I could find was the normal flashing leds. What I want to build is a circuit that you can set the speed that the lights flash at (rapid) and then the time in between flashes.

I have a basic understanding of electronics. If anyone has any tips or ideas, I would really appreciate it.



I see that you have different flash patterns for different positions (single and double flashes) and an overall synchronization. Although it can be achieved with multiple analog timers like 555 or digital circuits, a small microcontroller will be the lowest part count and least expensive solution. White LEDs have sufficient intensity to appear like real flashlights with short pulsewidth. The only disadvantage of the processor solution is, that someone needs to write the code.

Hi FvM.

Thanks for the prompt response! I thought that a pic would have been better and I wish i could code it :). The synchro is not so important and I don't mind having a few separate circuit for each set of leds. I thing i would need one for the tips of the wings, one for the back, one for the top and one for the bottom. Have you got an idea of how I can achieve this with the 555 timers?



Hi kak111

That talking website is great! I am looking at the police siren one. Or that custom 555 chip. But would i be able to set the time between flashes and the actual speed of the flash?


I created a little 555 & 4017 demonstration by way of the famous Falstad Java Applet. If you can get the timing right, this might work for you.

Circuit Simulator Applet
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Wow! Thank you KJ6EAD. That is a great start for me. If i manipulate the timing i am sure it will work out exactly as I need it! thank you once again!

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