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When I run NeoCircuit 'get output', a spectre simulation is launched and it
give the following error. Anyone know what is the problem? Thank you.
cpp: unrecognized option `-$'
spectre (ver. -- 23 Sep 2003).
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
"netlist.final" 5: Syntax error in specification of `spectre//'.
"netlist.final" 7: There can be at most one global statement and, if
present, it must be the first command in the file (after title or
language directive).
spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.
..(See 'Eval Errors' panel for full text of error message.)
When I run NeoCircuit 'get output', a spectre simulation is launched and it
give the following error. Anyone know what is the problem? Thank you.
cpp: unrecognized option `-$'
spectre (ver. -- 23 Sep 2003).
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
"netlist.final" 5: Syntax error in specification of `spectre//'.
"netlist.final" 7: There can be at most one global statement and, if
present, it must be the first command in the file (after title or
language directive).
spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.
..(See 'Eval Errors' panel for full text of error message.)