starting propic hardware. help!

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Newbie level 5
Oct 3, 2005
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am a newcomer to edaboard. i was looking for a best discussion form and finally i found it. i had finished my programmer for 89cxx with EZPROG. its woking fine. Now am very much interested in making such a stuff for PIC MICRO. After a couple of initial studies, i found out the possible best hardware and software, PROPIC.

i ve downloaded the circuit diagram for propic. now i am in a confusion that whether can i use the version without GOLD? i dont have 12c508 pic and a means to program the chip.

can i remove that section from the circuit and give 5V fixed instead of VCC VAR?
Please reply me.

I can help you reg hardware and software for 89cXX programming if u r in need.

thank you
Anees Pilaparambil

Hi Anees,

Yes, you can remove the Var Voltage section from your Propic Hardware and use instead 5V fix, and it will run without any problem. There is also in this forum a very good topic about ProPic2 hardware, and even you can find the source code for 12C508 Pic for Gold version, just make a search for Propic and you will find it.

Best Regards

hi JCarlos,

thanx for ur reply. i was so interested after reading a couple of discussions from the form. yesterday itself i took printout of the circuit, rushed to the shop and got the components. within few hours, i could build the circuit in the bread board. It was amazing!!!!! It worked very NICE!!!!!!.

As ur valuable sugessions, i tried without using GOLD circuit. Its OK fine.

But i ve a dout that if we place a device and select another device in the propic software, and if i burn it, will it activate the programming voltages to the wrong pin and destroy the chip?. Or will the software automatically identifies the chip inserted is different from one that selected and shows a warning?

Pls send me what are the precautions i need to take for not damaging the chip.

thanx, i ve downloaded the hex file for GOLD, and am waiting for the IC to get to use it in my propic hardware.

Reply me

thanking u,

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