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Starting ARM Core(For microcontroller-based applications)

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Roll No Three

Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Aug 20, 2013
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Hello Everyone!!!
I am starting to learn ARM core(for microcontroller-based applications)..I have experience on AVR ,8051 and a bit on PIC also!!!!!
But as like many others am confused where to start with. There are many versions available like ARM7TDMI,Cortex-M3/M4,etc.
Please guide me on where to start and IDE to use for the same

Do you have breadboarding supplies and benchtop power supply?
There are many, many, many development kits of the AMR7TDMI based parts from several sources, including starter kits from IAR, Keil, Rowley Crossworks, and more. These kits are often more "turnkey" and come with what you need for hardware and pluf into a PC USB port with a cable, usually. Or, you can jump on to the later/current ARM Cortex M3 or M0 or other processors cheaply with using an mbed DIP board ( There is a free web-based compiler and debug tool that you run from your PC, and you plug into the mbed module via USB cable - it is good to have the little mbed DIP modules plugged into a breadboard to protect their pins and this allows you to easily build on circuits to interface to thembed module pins/IO.

Hey thanks for reply :)
Yup I have breadboarding supplies...
but which one wud be better to start with...ARM7TDMI or Cortex M3?

You can opt for LPC23xx series as they use ARM7TDMI versions. Cortex M3 is a name used for ARM7TDMI which are used for embedded applications. You should choose a microcontroller development board employing ARM processor.

Okkey I'll see to LPC23xx
But as far as I know ARM7TDMI is based on older ARM architecture while cortex M3 on a newer one
I have seen development boards by ST microelectronics(STM32 Discovery kit) and also by ngx technologies...
Can u suggest any good development board?

The STM32 Discovery board is also a pretty good platform, and surprisingly inexpensive. Depending on what you have for development software - you can also get started there for free.. IAR offers a starter version of the Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM) as a download for free with a 32K code size limit . They offer a number of complete starter kit packages, but the prices for the boards, etc. isn't as low.
Hey thanx a lot for saying that. First I want to try it myself,I will seek your help wherever required...

If you are very serious on starting on ARM, I suggest you to buy a good ARM7 (lpc2148) development board that would not cost more than 25-35$. Then get microvision keil software for ARM. And start practicing it. LPC2148 is not at all hard to learn even for newbie & u have good experience on other microcontrollers so should have a 'cakewalk' on it. There are lot of forums available on net for help in lpc2148.
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