SST26VF032B operation problem

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Jan 5, 2013
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Hello there,
I am writing a library at the moment to interface my STM32 mcu with SST26VF032B memory. I have a problem that I cannot solve for over 2 days now...
I am talking to the chip using regular SPI, not quad SPI. I am able to read JEDEC-ID as well as RDSR register. This ensures me in the fact that the communication layer works correctly. The problem is I am not able to read status register (RDSR command) and configuration register (RDCR command). The chip simply does not answer (0xFF's on the MISO line), I see this on the scope. I dont understand why doesnt he want to answer me with status register. This is my initialization procedure:

RSTEN (reset enable)
RST (reset)
WREN (write enable)
ULBPR (Global Block Protection Unlock)
SFDP (signature is read correctly)
RSDR (cannot read the status register)

Because I cannot read status register, I am not able to move forward with erasing and page programming.
I am really out of ideas now. I have found this topic where one user posted his library cod for this chip and mine is very simmilar, should work the same.
The #WP and #HOLD pins in the chip are tird to VCC all the time.

I have found in the web that many people had the problem that they could read JEDEC-ID but couldnt read status register. In those topics however there was no resolution posted, or the resolution was to clear the block protection bits. I am executing this command and it does not help me.

I would really appreciate all help regarding this issue.

If you referencing to my code, better ask in the same topic. No point to create a new one.

The topic is about something else really, I just wanted to point out that the configuration is alright. My problem is that The only instructions that work for me are the Identification instructions. I cannot read status register, config register or block protection register. I think I tried everything now, I even replaced the flash chip out of desperation, obviously didnt help...

I use my own code. I have only found the topic with your code and verified that I do everything correctly.
In my situation the SST26VF032B chip doesnt output anything on MISO line after asking him for status register etc. He only answers for identification commands.

I can post the code, it is not a problem. The thing is some of the commands work, so I am assuming the code works and I am doing something wrong with the configuration.

This is the function that should do the initialization of the chip communication:
 * @brief	Final initialization procedure. It should be called in a thread, thus delay and
 * 			logging are allowed. It is used for finding the physical flash memory device on spi line.
 * @return	HAL_OK if flash memory is successfully identified.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_InitFinal()
	if (spifl.state != e_spiflState_FirstInitDone)
				"Wrong spi module state (%u) in final init func!", spifl.state);
		return HAL_ERROR;

	osSemaphoreWait(spifl.sema, osWaitForever);
	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;

	// reset the device
	retVal += spifl_resetDevice();

	// Unlock global block protection, WREN first
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_WREN);
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_ULBPR);
	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_WBPR;
	memset(spifl.bufSend + 1, 0, 10);
	retVal += spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, 11);

	// now check either SST26VF032B is visible on spi line by reading 1st DWORD (32 bit) of SFDP header
	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_SFDP; // sfdp command
	spifl.bufSend[1] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR >> 16;	// MSB next 3 bytes are addr
	spifl.bufSend[2] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR >> 8;
	spifl.bufSend[3] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR;		// LSB

	retVal += spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, 9);

	union32_t sfdpSig;
	memcpy(sfdpSig.u8, &spifl.bufRecv[5], sizeof(uint32_t));

	// compare the signature with datasheet one
	if (sfdpSig.u32 != SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_VAL)
		spifl.state = e_spiflState_FullyOperational;

	uint8_t status;
	retVal += spifl_readStausReg(&status);

	return retVal;


In this code I do the following:

The last command which is read status registers doesnt work, the memory chip does not answer. SFDP works, the rest I cannot confirm as it is a write without any ACK.
Here is the code for used relevant functions:
 * u_spi_flash.h
 *  Created on: 24.05.2017
 *      Author: Lukasz

#ifndef U_SPI_FLASH_H_
#define U_SPI_FLASH_H_

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "stdint.h"

#include "u_types.h"

/* Defines and macros --------------------------------------------------------*/
#define SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_VAL			0x50444653

#define SPIFL_TIMEOUT_MS					100
#define SPIFL_BUFFER_SIZE					64
#define SPIFL_PAGE_SIZE						256

/* Enums and structs ---------------------------------------------------------*/

 * @brief	Initialization status of the module
typedef enum
	e_spiflState_Uninitialized				= 0,
	e_spiflState_FirstInitDone				= 1,
	e_spiflState_FullyOperational			= 2,

} spiflState_t;

 * 			For description see Microchip DS20005218C document on page 13 (SST26VF032B/032BA datasheet)
typedef enum
	e_spiflCmd_WRSR							= 0x01,
	e_spiflCmd_Read							= 0x03,
	e_spiflCmd_RDSR							= 0x05,
	e_spiflCmd_WREN							= 0x06,
	e_spiflCmd_WBPR							= 0x42,
	e_spiflCmd_RSTEN						= 0x66,
	e_spiflCmd_RST							= 0x99,
	e_spiflCmd_SFDP							= 0x5A,
	e_spiflCmd_RBPR							= 0x72,
	e_spiflCmd_ULBPR						= 0x98,
	e_spiflCmd_JEDECID						= 0x9F,

} spiflCmd_t;

 * @brief	Status register masks
typedef enum
	e_spiflStatusReg_BUSY					= 1 << 0,
	e_spiflStatusReg_WEL					= 1 << 1,
	e_spiflStatusReg_WSE					= 1 << 2,
	e_spiflStatusReg_WSP					= 1 << 3,
	e_spiflStatusReg_WPLD					= 1 << 4,
	e_spiflStatusReg_SEC					= 1 << 5,
	e_spiflStatusReg_RES					= 1 << 6,

} spiflStatusReg_t;

typedef struct
	SPI_HandleTypeDef* handle;					/*!< Preconfigured SPI HAL structure pointer */
	gpioPin_t* nCS;								/*!< #CS pin gpio, preconfigured */
	spiflState_t state;							/*!< current module initialization state */
	osSemaphoreId sema;							/*!< Transmission semaphore */

	uint8_t bufSend[SPIFL_BUFFER_SIZE];			/*!< Internal send buffer */
	uint8_t bufRecv[SPIFL_BUFFER_SIZE];			/*!< Internal read buffer */

} spiflData_t;

/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Public variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Fuction prototypes --------------------------------------------------------*/

HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_InitPreliminary(SPI_HandleTypeDef* spiHandle, gpioPin_t* gpio);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_InitFinal();

HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_read(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* readBuffer, uint32_t len);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_write(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* writeBuffer, uint32_t len);

/* Function declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/

#endif /* U_SPI_FLASH_H_ */

c file:
 * u_spi_flash.c
 *  Created on: 24.05.2017
 *      Author: Lukasz

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "u_spi_flash.h"
#include "u_logger.h"
#include "u_types.h"

/* Defines and macros --------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Enums and structs ---------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
static spiflData_t spifl;

/* Public variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Fuction prototypes --------------------------------------------------------*/
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_writeConfigByte(uint8_t cmd);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_resetDevice();
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_readStausReg(uint8_t* reg);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_eraseSector(uint32_t sectorAddress);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_pageProgram(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* writeBuffer, uint32_t len);
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_pollForWrite();

/* Function declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/

 * @brief	Sets the #CS pin low or high
 * @param	state: non zero for high, 0 for low
static inline void spifl_nCsSet(uint32_t state)
	if (spifl.state != e_spiflState_Uninitialized)
		HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spifl.nCS->gpioGroup, spifl.nCS->gpioNr, state);
		log_PushLine(e_logLevel_Critical, "Unable to set nCS pin, spi flash interface not initialized!");

 * @brief	HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive wrapper with #CS line handling
static inline HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_sendReceive(uint8_t *pTxData,
												  uint8_t *pRxData,
												  uint16_t Size)
	if (e_spiflState_Uninitialized == spifl.state)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	if (!Size)
		return HAL_OK;

	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal;

	retVal = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(spifl.handle, pTxData, pRxData, Size, SPIFL_TIMEOUT_MS);

	return retVal;

 * @brief	Executes the reset sequence (RSTEN followed by RST) on the SST26VF032B.
 * 			Has to be called in a thread.
 * @return	HAL_OK if spi send was succesfull.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_resetDevice()
	if (e_spiflState_Uninitialized == spifl.state)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;

	// send RSTEN
	osDelay(1); // need to add minimal delay before RSTEN
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_RSTEN);

	// send RST
	osDelay(1); // need to add minimal delay before RST
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_RST);

	// final delay after whole reset procedure so other commands can work properly

	return retVal;

 * @brief	Use this function to write single operation instructions
 * @param	cmd: operation command.
 * @return	HAL_OK if sent correctly.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_writeConfigByte(uint8_t cmd)
	uint8_t dummy;
	return spifl_sendReceive(&cmd, &dummy, 1);

 * @brief	Initializes the SPI flash memory module (MCU is communicating with SST26VF032B device).
 * 			Single SPI peripheral is used by both motor modules so mutual exception has to be
 * 			provided when sending or reading.
 * 			In order to fully work with spi flash memory (use the write and read functions)
 * 			the second init function has to be called in an RTOS thread.
 * @param	spiHandle: pointer to the spi struct representing this peripheral.
 * @param	gpio: pointer to a gpio pin struct that will be used as software #CS signal.
 * @return	HAL_OK if spi peripheral configured properly
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_InitPreliminary(SPI_HandleTypeDef* spiHandle, gpioPin_t* gpio)
	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;
	spifl.state = e_spiflState_Uninitialized;

	// HAL startup code does the basic config, no need to overlap it here.
	// assign handlers
	if (spiHandle)
		spifl.handle = spiHandle;

	if (gpio && gpio->gpioGroup && gpio->gpioNr)
		spifl.nCS = gpio;

	// create transmission semaphore
	osSemaphoreDef_t tempDef;
	spifl.sema = osSemaphoreCreate(&tempDef, 1);

	if (!spifl.sema)

	// set initialization flag
	if (!retVal)
		spifl.state = e_spiflState_FirstInitDone;

	// set the nCS pin high

	return retVal;

 * @brief	Final initialization procedure. It should be called in a thread, thus delay and
 * 			logging are allowed. It is used for finding the physical flash memory device on spi line.
 * @return	HAL_OK if flash memory is successfully identified.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_InitFinal()
	if (spifl.state != e_spiflState_FirstInitDone)
				"Wrong spi module state (%u) in final init func!", spifl.state);
		return HAL_ERROR;

	osSemaphoreWait(spifl.sema, osWaitForever);
	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;

	// reset the device
	retVal += spifl_resetDevice();

	// Unlock global block protection, WREN first
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_WREN);
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_ULBPR);
	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_WBPR;
	memset(spifl.bufSend + 1, 0, 10);
	retVal += spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, 11);

	uint8_t status;
	retVal += spifl_readStausReg(&status)

	// now check either SST26VF032B is visible on spi line by reading 1st DWORD (32 bit) of SFDP header
	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_SFDP; // sfdp command
	spifl.bufSend[1] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR >> 16;	// MSB next 3 bytes are addr
	spifl.bufSend[2] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR >> 8;
	spifl.bufSend[3] = SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_ADDR;		// LSB

	retVal += spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, 9);

	union32_t sfdpSig;
	memcpy(sfdpSig.u8, &spifl.bufRecv[5], sizeof(uint32_t));

	// compare the signature with datasheet one
	if (sfdpSig.u32 != SPIFL_SFDP_SIGNATURE_VAL)
		spifl.state = e_spiflState_FullyOperational;

	// TODO temp
	//uint8_t dummy[6];
	//retVal += spifl_pageProgram(0, dummy, 6);

	return retVal;


 * @brief	reads data from spi memory.
 * @param	startAddres: address in the memory starting from which read will be executed.
 * @param	readBuffer: address under which read bytes will be saved (incrementing the pointer).
 * @param	len: amount of bytes to read and save under \ref readBuffer.
 * @return	HAL_OK if data successfully read.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_read(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* readBuffer, uint32_t len)
	if (spifl.state != e_spiflState_FullyOperational)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	const uint32_t readOffset = 4; // for clarity: cmd + 3 address bytes

	// check if not exceeding internal buffer
	if ((len + readOffset) > SPIFL_BUFFER_SIZE)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	// check if size is not zero
	if (!len)
		return HAL_OK; // nothing to read

	// entering critical region
	osSemaphoreWait(spifl.sema, osWaitForever);
	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal;

	// set the read parameters
	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_Read;
	spifl.bufSend[1] = (uint8_t)(startAddres >> 16); 	// MSB
	spifl.bufSend[2] = (uint8_t)(startAddres >> 8);
	spifl.bufSend[3] = (uint8_t)startAddres; 			// LSB

	retVal = spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, len + readOffset);

	if (!retVal) // on success copy the read data to the param buffer
		memcpy(readBuffer, spifl.bufRecv + readOffset, len);

	// leaving critical region
	return retVal;

 * @brief	Uses Page program command in order to save data to the flash memory. The function
 * 			handles in between pages data saving.
 * @param	startAddress: address from which the write will start
 * @param	writeBuffer: data to save.
 * @param	len: amount of bytes to save.
 * @return	HAL_OK if save successful.
/*HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_write(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* writeBuffer, uint32_t len)
	if (spifl.state != e_spiflState_FullyOperational)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	const uint32_t writeOffset = 4; // for clarity: cmd + 3 address bytes

	// check if not exceeding internal buffer
	if ((len + writeOffset) > SPIFL_BUFFER_SIZE)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	// check if size is not zero
	if (!len)
		return HAL_OK; // nothing to read

 * @brief	Reads the status register from flash memory and saves it under \ref reg param.
 * @param	reg: pointer under which register will be saved.
 * @return	HAL_OK if status register successfully read.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_readStausReg(uint8_t* reg)
	if (spifl.state == e_spiflState_Uninitialized)
		return HAL_ERROR;

	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;

	spifl.bufSend[0] = e_spiflCmd_RDSR;
	retVal = spifl_sendReceive(spifl.bufSend, spifl.bufRecv, 2);

	if (!retVal && reg)
		*reg = spifl.bufRecv[1]; // save register

	return retVal;

 * @brief	Function reads the status flag and returns \ref HAL_OK if there are no write
 * 			operations pending and the write enable latch flag is set.
 * @return	HAL_OK if flags correct, otherwise timeout
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_pollForWrite()
	uint8_t status;
	bool notReady;

	// BUSY = 0, WEL = 1
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SPIFL_TIMEOUT_MS; i++)
		notReady = false;
		if (spifl_readStausReg(&status))
			return HAL_ERROR;

		// check flags (divided on more if's for clarity)
		if (status & e_spiflStatusReg_BUSY) // has to be cleared
			notReady = true;

		if (!(status & e_spiflStatusReg_WEL)) // has to be set
			notReady = true;

		if (notReady) // add delay only if necessary
			return HAL_OK;

	// timeout
	return HAL_ERROR;

 * @brief	Erases the selected sector
/*HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_eraseSector(uint32_t sectorAddress)


 * @brief	Programs a single page (up to 256 bytes) starting from \ref startAddr. The command
 * 			cannot exceed above single page boundary. If it would exceed, the function returns
 * 			\ref HAL_ERROR and doesnt program anything.
 * @param	startAddress: programming start address.
 * @param	writeBuffer: data to program.
 * @param	len: amount of data (256 bytes max) to program.
 * @return	HAL_OK if programming succesfull.
HAL_StatusTypeDef spifl_pageProgram(uint32_t startAddres, uint8_t* writeBuffer, uint32_t len)

	// check if len is not too long or 0
	if ((len > SPIFL_PAGE_SIZE) || (!len))
		return HAL_ERROR;

	// check if page program would not exceed the page boundary
	if ((startAddres + len - 1) / SPIFL_PAGE_SIZE) // non zero means overflow
		return HAL_ERROR;

	HAL_StatusTypeDef retVal = HAL_OK;
	// at this point it is known that the address and the length are ok
	// set write enable
	retVal += spifl_writeConfigByte(e_spiflCmd_WREN);

	// wait until there are no internal write operations and device is write enabled
	retVal += spifl_pollForWrite();

	return retVal;

At the lowest layer I am using the STM32 HAL library for SPI communication. I am not using interrupts nor DMA, I am sending/ reading in blocking mode.
Also here is the SPI initialization code generated with mxCUBE:
/* SPI2 init function */
void MX_SPI2_Init(void)

  hspi2.Instance = SPI2;
  hspi2.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER;
  hspi2.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES;
  hspi2.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT;
  hspi2.Init.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW;
  hspi2.Init.CLKPhase = SPI_PHASE_2EDGE;
  hspi2.Init.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT;
  hspi2.Init.BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_64;
  hspi2.Init.FirstBit = SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
  hspi2.Init.TIMode = SPI_TIMODE_DISABLE;
  hspi2.Init.CRCPolynomial = 10;
  if (HAL_SPI_Init(&hspi2) != HAL_OK)


I am using 8 bit wide communication, MSB first, CLK line idle state = 0, reading data on CLK rising edge.

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