SRL,ROR,... operator in VHDL

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Aug 27, 2003
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vhdl srl

when I use SRL,ROR,... operator in VHDL
modelsim5.8sb shows

# ** Error: ./rtl/SPI_Model.vhd(136): No feasible entries for infix op: "srl".
# ** Error: ./rtl/SPI_Model.vhd(136): Type error resolving infix expression.
# ** Error: ./rtl/SPI_Model.vhd(146): VHDL Compiler exiting
# ** Error: C:/Modeltech_5.8b/win32/vcom failed.

which package should I add,
I have added

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

but failed

vhdl shr

there are not such operation in VHDL, i think

what VHDL has in ieee.std_logic_arith is
shl shr
which can be use for signed or unsigned number

and in ieee.numeric_bit

there are shift_left/shift_right


srl vhdl

a reference book named "HDL Chip design" by Douglas J Smith
page 69 contains SLL SRL operator example,but it contains
ieee.numeric_std.all, I wondwr if the examples of the chapter
are executable

vhdl ror

gerade said:
there are not such operation in VHDL, i think

what VHDL has in ieee.std_logic_arith is
shl shr
which can be use for signed or unsigned number

and in ieee.numeric_bit

there are shift_left/shift_right


I did add this package but still shows the same message!
What's wrong with my modelsim or something?

ror vhdl

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

You include too many packages. All three packages are mutually exclusive. You should use numeric_std only, and have a look at the operators defined for numeric_std, in section 2 of
**broken link removed**

The VHDL spec says that if two different definitions are imported from packages, they destroy each other.

vhdl srl example

I add only
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

and founf`d the same condition , why?

shr vhdl

Instead of all these difficulties...
u can use simple logic like...

if u want to do left shift.. then say ur signal is of 8 bit vectors.. and ur inoput is single bit then..

outdatareg(7 downto 1) <= indatareg(6 downto 0);
indatareg(0) <= indata;
like this u can implement left or rigth shift opreations...


vhdl sll example

I know it's not difficult to do that. but just curious such kind
of common operator cannot be done, I never found similar
problem in verilog. How can I love VHDL more?

vhdl sll

Is it a problem of VHDL version? '87 or '93.. juz change the option and see.

sll vhdl

Its problem of VHDL'93....
ALTERA is not supporting all the features of IEEE93 standards.....
u cant use some good fuinctions which they are saying " IT WILL WORK with 93 version"... dont know about xilinx or otehr tools


shl vhdl


I think you're problem might be that you're not passing the SRL function a data type that it recognizes. I believe it only supports bit vectors. If you want to use a std_logic_vector you would have to do something like:

to_stdlogicvector(to_bitvector(wrptr2) srl i)

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