Square root of 32 bit in Vhdl

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Mar 10, 2011
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I'm currently working on FPGA square root function ,but not still get any good code for sqrt in VHDL , can anybody help to find out a code in vhdl ?

Reactions: Aya2002


    Points: 2
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HI Alex
i also found the same site but here getting problem with function call. while execution ,getting error and doesn't declare how to write port and use function in sqrt. if you got the output ,can u write me back ?

I haven't used the function but below the function there is a sample code how to call the function
and also how to put the function in a package before you use it.


I have writen this code to compute the square root of a floating point number. You can take a look at it or use it if you wont.

-- Company: Instituto Superior Técnico
-- Prof: Paulo Alexandre Crisóstomo Lopes
-- [email]paulo.lopes@inesc-id.pt[/email]
-- Create Date:    15:23:57 01/31/2012 
-- Design Name: 
-- Module Name:    sqrt - Behavioral 
-- Project Name: 
-- Target Devices: 
-- Tool versions: 
-- Description: VHDL implementation of a 32 bit floating point square root.
--			Float format: sign | 8 bits exponent + 127 | 23 bits normalized mantissa.
-- 		Uses IEEE 754-1985, with the following exceptions.
--			NaN is not implemented. Operations that would result in NaN 
--			have a non definied result.
--			An exponent of all zeros will always mean zero, and an
--			exponent of all ones will always mean infinity.
--			Rounding is round nearest ties away from zero.
--			Non normalized numbers are not implemented.
-- Dependencies: 
-- Revision: 1.0
-- Additional Comments: 
library IEEE;
-- use STD.textio.all;                     -- basic I/O
-- use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;          -- I/O for logic types

entity sqrt is
    Port ( x : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
           y : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0));
end sqrt;

architecture Behavioral of sqrt is

	function bit2bit_sq(x: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
		variable y : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*x'left+1 downto 0);
	-- Returns x^2 by intercalating zeros in the argument,
	-- were x has only one bit different from zero.
		for i in x'left downto 0 loop
			-- x'right must be zero
		end loop;
		return y;

		variable x_mantissa : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (22 downto 0);
		variable x_exponent : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
		variable x_sign : STD_LOGIC;
		variable y_mantissa : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (22 downto 0);
		variable y_exponent : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
		variable y_sign : STD_LOGIC;
		variable ix: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (25 downto 0);
		variable a : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (51 downto 0);
		variable biti : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (25 downto 0);
		variable r : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (51 downto 0);
		variable rt : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (52 downto 0);
		-- variable my_line : line;  -- type 'line' comes from textio
		x_mantissa := x(22 downto 0);
		x_exponent := x(30 downto 23);
		x_sign := x(31);
		y_sign := '0';
		if (x_exponent="00000000") then -- zero
			y_exponent := (others=>'0');
			y_mantissa := (others=>'0');
		elsif (x_exponent="11111111") then -- infinity
			y_exponent := (others=>'1');
			y_mantissa := (others=>'0');
			if (x_exponent(0)='1') then -- exponent-127 is even
				y_exponent := '0' & x_exponent(7 downto 1) + 64;
				ix := "01" & x_mantissa & '0'; 
			else -- exponent-127 is odd
				-- shit mantissa one to the left and subtract one from x_exponent
				y_exponent := '0' & x_exponent(7 downto 1) + 63;
				ix := '1' & x_mantissa & "00";
			end if;
			-- mantissa is m=ix/2^24 
			-- (one zero was added to the right to make the power even)
			-- let the result of the integer square root algorithm be iy (26 bits)
			-- iy = sqtr(ix)*2^13
			-- resulting that sqrt(m)=iy/2^25
			-- Integer input N bits square root algorithm:
			-- r is be the reminder, r=ix-z^2, and z(N+1) the result, 
			-- 	with bit(N)=1/2^(N/2), and bit(n)=2^(N/2-n)
			-- Test each bit in the result, from the most significative to the least
			-- significative: n goes from zero no N.
			-- if bit is one: r(n+1) = ix - (z(n)+bit(n))^2 = 
			-- 								r(n) - 2z(n)bit(n) - bit(n)^2
			-- else           r(n+1) = r(n)
			-- bit will be one if the resulting remainder is positive.
			-- making a(n) = 2z(n)bit(n), one has, 
			-- if bit is one: a(n+1) = 2(z(n)+bit(n))bit(n)/2 = 
			--									a(n)/2+bit(n)^2
			-- else           a(n+1) = a(n)/2
			-- and a(N+1) = 2z(N+1)/2^(N/2+1) = z(N+1)/2^(N/2)
			-- VHDL Implementation
			a := (others=>'0');
			biti := "10" & x"000000"; -- 2^(25)
			-- biti has the bit being evaluated equal to one
			r(51 downto 26):= ix; -- r is in Q26
			r(25 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
			for i in 25 downto 0 loop
				rt := ('0' & r) - ('0' & (a or bit2bit_sq(biti))); 
				-- trial for the new value for the reminder
				a := '0' & a(51 downto 1); -- srl
				if (rt(52)='0') then -- rt>=0
					r := rt(51 downto 0);
					a := a or bit2bit_sq(biti); -- the adder is safelly replaced by an or
				end if;
				biti := '0' & biti(25 downto 1); -- srl 1
			end loop;
			a(24 downto 2) := a(24 downto 2)+a(1); -- round
			-- even for ix = all '1' a will not oveflow
			-- a is the result
			y_mantissa := a(24 downto 2);
		end if;

		y(22 downto 0) <= y_mantissa;
		y(30 downto 23) <= y_exponent;
		y(31) <= y_sign;
   end process;
end Behavioral;
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Reactions: Aya2002


    Points: 2
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this code would be fine for a simulation - pretty useless for a synthesised design.
Both Altera and Xilinx provide floating point IP cores.

I need a verilog code for floating point square root block.

In the below given VHDL code, can u say me how the following function is implemented using verilog.

function bit2bit_sq(x: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
variable y : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*x'left+1 downto 0);

- - - Updated - - -

I need the verilog code for a square root generator which gives the root value of 2 as 1.414

have you looked at the sqroot ip blocks from your chosen vendor?

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