spectrum analyzer prices?

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May 17, 2002
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spectrum analyzer ebay


What companies make spectrum analyzer(10MHZ~3GHZ)? which of them have the lowest price?

spectrum analyzer prices

Agilent maybe the most expensive but it is one of the best
Antrisu very good as well.
and the others
The think is that the price is proportional to the frequency. so up to 3Ghz will be much cheaper to buy.

agilent chinese knockoff

I have a IFR 2399 from 9khz to 3hgz that is great, basic price without options is 7.000 euros or 8.000 us$

A very nice instrument, I never have to use my manual to use it, I got older Tek and more recent HP but it is night and day difference with IFR.
Maybe the newer HP's are in the same way I don't no.


new ifr spectrum analyzer

If your freq. request may be downgraded to 1 GHz , Hameg is the less expensive and the most ruggerized. www.hameg.com.

Alternatively Willtek (formerly Wavetek) sell a 4 GHz handheld SA.
Wavetek was a low cost company. **broken link removed**


I want to use SA for RF circuit design.

Agilent SA have prices in the range 60,000$ that is too high for me.

To sergio mariotti: what is 9102 price?

To hot_chmock: what is the website of that company?

r&s cmt54

I bought a BK 2650 for portable work, and have been VERY happy with it. I still use an HP in the lab, but if you are strapped for cash, it is fine for most tests. It even has some interesting software for wireless system calculations. The only thing that is a little annoying is that the step size on the center frequency is limited, so you often have the signal you are looking at a little off center on the screen. But saving $50 K over a new HP, it is a minor problem.


prices of spactrum analyzers and scopes

Check out Rohde & Schwarz here:


This is their online shop that has prices for Smart Instruments (low cost = four-digit price tag as they claim)...

You'll find also the bargain shop, in which models that have been slightly used (in demos and exhibitions) are available at lower rates... Not exactly second-hand instruments but something better...

Hope this helps!


k-18 analyzer prices

IFR website:

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I use ICT testers from them too, a company with solid reputation and good service and support.


willtek 9102 price

There is this AT6030D on ebay:

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Now a search on Google shows it is made in China:

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The picture looks like an Agilent analyzer, and the scope Tektronix. Is this some cheap knock-off or for real?

Agilent has some new, inexpensive analyzers but not much info on them yet:

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spectrun analizer ebay

It looks like those "Agilent" analyzers are just rebranded units from someone else. With Agilent's overhead, there is no way they can be competitive in the low cost arena without reseller agreements.

analyzer spectrum ebay

my lab recently buy software which is phase noise ones that upgrade E4446A.
and it is NT:12000 ,maybe US:4000

spectrum analyzer tektronix atten china price

Why nobody consider Rohde-Schwarz ?? In my opinion from the accuracy point of view R&S has higher performance than other.Because I have used almost all brands and R&S is considerably far from them.They also measure time domain signals...
The people remembers always HP.But I'm not agree with them.

older used hp spectrum analyzer price

I'm a cheap guy. I usually buy older instruments from a reputable dealer or eBay. I feel much better having ten old classic HP instruments than one shiny new instrument.

Dealers of used equipment usually provide a nice warranty. eBay has some amazing deals, but beware of crooks. Also, most eBay equipment needs some repair. I enjoy fixing stuff.

I use an Advantest R3265M analyzer (100Hz-8GHz) that I bought on eBay six years ago for $4000 US, about 15 percent of original price. Here's one:
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rohde & schwarz cmt-54 manual

I agree, Rohde-Schwarz makes awesome stuff but their prices remain very high. I am lucky to have a older R&S CMT54 signal generator, with super performance. This is good stuff. Would not mind getting the latest 4 chan VNA box from them, but the price is sure to cause a heart attack!

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