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Some kind of controller, I need some direction

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Jun 9, 2013
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hi all. I apologize ahead for my improper terminology. I love taking on little projects in my spare time or getting ideas and prototyping them. I have done a couple electronic projects over the years, but not enough that I don't need some kind of direction. I was hopping someone could do their best to try and understand what I am saying and try and point me in the direction of some products I might be able to use.

I am taking on a little spare time project.

I am using a video game controller (xbox controller). I would like to route the buttons though some kind of programmable circuit controller. Basically I would like to have diffirent modes that I can switch through.
Example of 1 mode being: something like rapid fire where when I hold down "A" button it will actually but pressing the button rapidly over and over. Example of another mode being: if I press button "A", Button "C" and "D" will actually be pressed one after another a split second apart.

I would like that circuit controller to be able to be connected to a computer and programmed in c++ if possible.

Would also like some kind of little display what mode it is currently in

PArts would have to be considerably small as I would like to try and fit them all inside the controller. There are Vibrating motors inside the controller I can take out for a little added space.

Xbox Controller is 5v 450mA

thanks all

let me know if I can give any more details to make understanding easier

Google "rapid fire mod"

Only does some of what you ask, but I suspect that if you want more, you will have to design and develop it yourself, which requires a very good understanding of electronics and a fair bit of micro-controller programming experience.

Programming in C++ does not sound practical to me. More likely C or assembler I would guess.
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Thanks for the response hex. I know there are rapid fire mods out there.. as you said.. I am looking for something a little bit more.

Micro controllers really interest me, i am really interested in learning about them.

I have kind of looked into micro controllers in the past for a project of mine.

can anyone recommend me a micro controller for me to start out with for a project like this? When I was looking at micro controllers in the past, I notcied there are micro controller kits that you can buy for beginners. Would one of these be suffice? Do these have different inputs and outputs on the micro controller that I can connect the buttons on the controller to?

Actually I guess the micro controller does not have to be able to fit inside the controller as I am still just leaning about them.

I love researching and learning about this kind of stuff. Just need some direction to start me out.

Does anyone see a problem with routing the buttons on the xbox controller through an Arduino then back to the board in the xbox controller? then i could map my buttons for sequencing or whatever through the Arduino?

Hey Kabona

My initial thoughts are that there are two ways of doing this:
1. Make a circuit that takes the output of the controller as input, manipulate the input in the way you want, then forward the manipulated data to the xbox
2. Make a circuit that is implemented between the buttons and the internal electronics of the controller. (like you suggest in your lates post)

I have no experience with the xbox controller, but I did a little Google search and it seems to be a USB device right? So for option 1, you would need a circuit that both act as a USB host (to receive data from controller) and a USB device (to send data to xbox). You could probably do this with a Beaglebone Black.

For option 2 the circuit would be very simple, but the wiring might be very messy depending on how many buttons you need to connect to your circuit..

Connecting the buttons to an arduino should be just fine, you just need to make sure you provide the right voltage levels back to the controller board.


Hey Kabona

My initial thoughts are that there are two ways of doing this:
1. Make a circuit that takes the output of the controller as input, manipulate the input in the way you want, then forward the manipulated data to the xbox
2. Make a circuit that is implemented between the buttons and the internal electronics of the controller. (like you suggest in your lates post)

I have no experience with the xbox controller, but I did a little Google search and it seems to be a USB device right? So for option 1, you would need a circuit that both act as a USB host (to receive data from controller) and a USB device (to send data to xbox). You could probably do this with a Beaglebone Black.

For option 2 the circuit would be very simple, but the wiring might be very messy depending on how many buttons you need to connect to your circuit..

Connecting the buttons to an arduino should be just fine, you just need to make sure you provide the right voltage levels back to the controller board.


thanks for the helpfulk respone Oyvdahl.

you can get xbox controller usb.. but most of them are wireless by RF. so i think best option would be 2.

do you see any problem with extra lag in response time to the xbox from controller with the signal now being re routed through the Arduino first?

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or is there a way to not route back to the controller after the arduino (so i can cut down on running wires??? any way i can add a RF transmitter to arduino output and just send the signal to the xbox from arduino? not really sure on RF's but how would i find out what kind of signal comes out of the RF when a certain button on the controller is pressed

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