Soldering Iron recommendations

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Junior Member level 2
Aug 24, 2019
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I will be working on my amplifiers, some of which are PCB, and some of which are PTP.

Currently, I have a basic Weller. It works, but I wonder if I should get something better, maybe one that has variable temp? If so, what is a good one to get?

And is there a general rule for temps when desoldering and soldering components from and to a PCB?

Thanks in advance.

I have a WP25

Again, it works, but I wonder if I need something with a variable temp - if the one I have now maybe too hot, or not hot enough (I have no idea what it is).

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Any one working with multi-layer PCB he is forced to get an 90W adjustable soldering iron.
When time and productivity translates to money, then 8~10 seconds heating time this is required.

I was able to get such a tool at the price point of 150 Euro, when Weller and others Famous thieves they require 450 Euro.

You better primarily consider how much are you willing to invest, because most to all low budget tools they are toys.


Any one working with multi-layer PCB he is forced to get an 90W adjustable soldering iron.
In our company we design multilayer PCB, do prototype soldering, rework, repair, low volume production.
In our whole company we only have soldering stations up to 50W.

Mainly we use Weller WECP-20 antistatic with MLR-21, or LR-21. Temperature setup depends on solder. 300°C ... 360°C.


In our company we design multilayer PCB, do prototype soldering, rework, repair, low volume production.
In our whole company we only have soldering stations up to 50W.


I am not impressed, this is old times investment this requiring pre-heater so soften the solder.
Either way my example was relative to PC motherboards and I am talking of soldering technology in use from 2014 and later.


we have more modern ones like JBC for example, but I can see no benefit against the "old ones".
They claim about longer tip liefetime - but we see the opposite.
And no, we don´t need to use preheater.

I´m the friend of low temperature, to treat the PCB gently, to avoid delamination of the PCB and burning the PCB material or early burn out the flux.

You are free to go your own way, I just can´t agree your "force" for high power.



You are free to go your own way, I just can´t agree your "force" for high power.


Well this is good to know, select-able power this is a major advantage for the topic starter, which will do PCB and PTP (point to point) soldering over wires and connectors.

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