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sms alarm and dtmf controller connection to one gsm modem

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Apr 29, 2012
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Dear Friends I have to done the sms alarm project and DTMF Controller project that two projects connected sim 300 modem working perfectly in individually means sms alarm and sim 300 perfectly working and sim 300 and DTMF Controller working perfect but when two boards (sms alarm & Dtmf controller) will be connect the sim 300 modem they didn't working why because didn't understand sms alarm AT commends are deferant to DTMF Controller Please give me the suggestion ware I have mistake Please excuse my poor english

If i get your question right then you have tested two application sms alarm and DTMF controller with two different controller but with same single sim300 individually and when you combine the board means apply same logic to in single controller then you having problem?

Correct me if am wrong.

Friend Thanks to Reply Actually I have to done this projects and Working is good in individually but I want to connect single sim 300 modem Sms alaram project working through AT commends But DTMF controller not required to AT commends Require only DTMF port (RJ 11) but they two circuits are not working same time why ? ware I am mistake

they two circuits are not working same time why

where is your combined circuit schematic? which part is not working? what is your test result of your combine circuit?
So many questions are arise due to less information.Provide the information and your schematic to help you better.

Friend sory to delay combining is normally sim 300 modem power suply 12v 2amp and sms alaram and dtmf 12v 2amp adeptersmodem to sms alaram board 9pin connecting cable through connected dtmf board connecting telephone rj11 cable through connected I am sending the photos please check it


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which part is not working what is the voltage after connecting to the boards ?what is your observation after connecting same power supply? if your adaptor 12v reduce then there is more current drown by two circuits.and GSM modem it self required good 1.5amp or 2amp supply.

Yes friend I have to checked voltage in running time power supply is good when I have to remove the 9 pin connector from modem DTMF controller working good and same when remove the RJ11 Cable from modem sms alarm working good .........what is the connection between 9pin and rj11 in side of modem I am spending too much time in this problem I didn't understand thees two projects are running in one sim 300 modem Is it Possible ?

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