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I would like to design a SMPS for inverter. Preferred topology is push pull but ı dont know whether it can handle this high power. I have a E65/32/27 core. Here are the list of the parameters.
Input voltage:30V
Input current:52.17A
Output voltage:311V
Output current:4A
Switching frequency:73kHz (not possible to use lower frequency with this core and this high power.)
I have read this Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook - 3rd Edition and calculated all things ı need according to this book.
The maximum wire size diameter is 0.049cm due to the skin effect. It corresponds to 0.001884cm2 and #25 AWG cable.
Primary turns:1.93
Primary bare wire area:0.270cm2
# of primary strands:143 ( 143 x #25 AWG wire in order to get 0.270cm2 with least skin effect)
Secondary turns:20.1
Secondary bare wire area:0.0207cm2
# of secondary strands:11 ( 11 x #25 AWG wire in order to get 0.0207cm2 with least skin effect)
I need to wind this transformer myself. It is so hard or impossible to wind these 143 cables. How can ı wind this transformer with less cables ? ofc it can be possible but losses will increase with larger cables. So how can ı modify these number and size of cables in order to wind it myself ? Even if I wind it, ı need to remove the isolation of the 143 wires for soldering. You know its so hard ı think.
Input voltage:30V
Input current:52.17A
Output voltage:311V
Output current:4A
Switching frequency:73kHz (not possible to use lower frequency with this core and this high power.)
I have read this Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook - 3rd Edition and calculated all things ı need according to this book.
The maximum wire size diameter is 0.049cm due to the skin effect. It corresponds to 0.001884cm2 and #25 AWG cable.
Primary turns:1.93
Primary bare wire area:0.270cm2
# of primary strands:143 ( 143 x #25 AWG wire in order to get 0.270cm2 with least skin effect)
Secondary turns:20.1
Secondary bare wire area:0.0207cm2
# of secondary strands:11 ( 11 x #25 AWG wire in order to get 0.0207cm2 with least skin effect)
I need to wind this transformer myself. It is so hard or impossible to wind these 143 cables. How can ı wind this transformer with less cables ? ofc it can be possible but losses will increase with larger cables. So how can ı modify these number and size of cables in order to wind it myself ? Even if I wind it, ı need to remove the isolation of the 143 wires for soldering. You know its so hard ı think.