[SOLVED] SMPS Power Inverter with TL494,1404

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Hello KG300 would like if you can tell me how to build the transformer inverter 12VDC to 220VAC & 1000W Blossom post No. 1 laps and wire size since I can not find it in the post .. Thanks
Hi Raza
How are you...i read your threads and found very helpful. you have an expert mind and clarity in the concepts. i need your guideline also. i am a hobbies. i am trying to design an invertor from 220vDC* to 220vAC. what i have done is that i have connected 20 nos of 12v 7A dry batteries in series. in this way i got around 260v DC.
What i am trying to do is that use of AC section of invertor circuit given in your thread containing...
1. KA7500 IC
2. 2nos of KSP44 transistor for high side mosfet driver
3. 4 nos IRF740
but it fails evry time after 10 to 15 monutes of running giving about 255v AC. the one of the 4 mosfets burns out.
i ma uanble to find a suitable circuit for my project...please provide me a circuit with overload protection and short circuit protection for converting 220v DC to 220v ac.
Thanks and Regards


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