
I have the small signal feedback loop transfer function for a CCM, current mode, buckboost. (Basso book page 232,fig 2A-22)
I need to adjust it so that it can be used for a flyback...
-So does vout become vout*[(Np/Ns)^2].?
-does Cout become Cout*[(Ns/Np)^2].?
-does Rout become Rout/[(Ns/Np)^2].?
-does Cout's ESR become ESR/[(Ns/Np)^2]....?
I have the small signal feedback loop transfer function for a CCM, current mode, buckboost. (Basso book page 232,fig 2A-22)
I need to adjust it so that it can be used for a flyback...
-So does vout become vout*[(Np/Ns)^2].?
-does Cout become Cout*[(Ns/Np)^2].?
-does Rout become Rout/[(Ns/Np)^2].?
-does Cout's ESR become ESR/[(Ns/Np)^2]....?