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Smart G100 not working

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Apr 16, 2013
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I am working on GSM Communication with PIC 18F4520 development board from MikroElectronika. I am using SmartG100 as GSM Modem. But I am unable to establish communication between GSM Modem and PC via AT commands. I have included the wiring and the manual. Pls help me out to solve the issue. Thanks.
smartg100 connection 3.jpgsmartg100 connection 1.jpgsmartg100 connection 2.jpg
View attachment smartg100_manual_v100.pdf

There are two Rx TX connections in the DIP switch of your development board? Which development board are you using? In code have you made Rx pin as input and Tx pin as output using TRISx? Post your development board manual.

First 2 DIP switches are for RS 232 communication. Next 2 DIP switches are for GSM. I believe that is for the in-built GSM Module. Since I am using an external modem, I believe it cant be used. The board details are available in

I tried both switches. Still not getting the correct response.

Yes. First 2 DIP switches are for Rx and Tx but they connect to PORT RC6 and PORT RC7 of PIC microcontroller. Your GSM board doesn't have onboard MAX232 to connect to PC. You are trying to use RS232 of PICPLCC board to connect to PC,. right? i.e., you are connecting Rx and Tx pins of GSM board to PORTC Tx and RX pins. Right? Then data send/receive should be between MCU and GSM board. How do you expect data from PC comes from Tx pin of PC side and reaches MAX232 and from there it comes to Rx pin of MCU. MCU has to receive data and send it back to PORTC Tx and from there to RS232 and from there to GSM board.

SIM board is connect to PORTC of MCU and also MAX232 chip. Right? Explain how data flows from PC to MAX232 to GSM Board?

If I need to integrate both, then this is the way of doing the connections right? Later I will be needing the PIC to control the GSM part of sending/receiving SMS.
I tried RS 232 of PIC alone. Wrote a code. Its giving back whatever I send.
So I need to make sure GSM modem works independently first. So I tried as shown in the picture. But I still could not get the response. Can u help me on this? Once this is done, I will go for the integration of both. Thanks
smartg100 connection.jpg

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