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hi all,
i have successfully get ATR from GSM SIM card , I am using micocontroller as reader (8052)
problem is, when i have succesfull geting ATR my micros fail receive respnd from smartcard (i have made testing that problem is not from my microsontroller).
the pronlem is when i send SELECT command
0xA0 0xA4 0x00 0x00 0x02
there is no respond from SIM card and after sending commnad 5 timer , respond from SIM card is
0xA0 0xA4 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x6E 0x00
i have made comparasion with SIMscan look like theres no problem and i am doing exacly the same procedure as SIM scan
any suggestion or clue, expert please help me ??
Added after 58 minutes:
sorry for the topic (oops miss typed)
imean smart card doubt
i have successfully get ATR from GSM SIM card , I am using micocontroller as reader (8052)
problem is, when i have succesfull geting ATR my micros fail receive respnd from smartcard (i have made testing that problem is not from my microsontroller).
the pronlem is when i send SELECT command
0xA0 0xA4 0x00 0x00 0x02
there is no respond from SIM card and after sending commnad 5 timer , respond from SIM card is
0xA0 0xA4 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x6E 0x00
i have made comparasion with SIMscan look like theres no problem and i am doing exacly the same procedure as SIM scan
any suggestion or clue, expert please help me ??
Added after 58 minutes:
sorry for the topic (oops miss typed)
imean smart card doubt