Simulating a surge current in Micro-Cap SPICE. How reliable is it?

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Junior Member level 1
Sep 23, 2017
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This project started with a simple moderator action: removed link decoupling capacitor simulation evolving into simulating a moderator action: removed link Joseph Newman motor and eventually becoming a moderator action: removed link shorted motor. This latter development does more than result in an overunity gain. With fine tuning of the coupling coefficient between the squirrel cage rotor and each of the starter coils (at between 5 to 8 tenths of one percent), an infinite surge of current erupts whenever semi-large to large resistors are not straddling either side of its low-voltage sources. These low-voltage sources operate at high frequencies emulating aerials.

My questions are ...
  1. Is this reliable?
  2. Or is this a mistake of the software?
  3. Or of my model not being an actual circuit, but a fictional one incapable of operation due to some flaw or error of basic electronics?
  4. If #3 is true, then what is this oversight or fictional presumption?
  5. It should be noted in this moderator action: removed link shorted motor, that it is not presumed that current can flow from a low-voltage source (such as the one micro volt aerials) to a higher voltage (represented by L1 and L2). Instead, it is presumed that current is flowing from L1 and L2 towards lower-voltage at the starter coils (all three: SC1, SC2 & SC3) and at the aerials. Since power is the product of voltage and current, and since current cannot flow from voltage sources lower than their target, then it can safely be dismissed any notion of power being derived from the atmosphere through aerials (in this example), yes?
  6. Unless I'm overlooking how energetic high frequencies may be? Even when at low voltages?

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