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Simple transformerless power supply design

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Newbie level 1
Sep 24, 2019
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Is there any IC to make a simple power supply without transformer? (I don't want capacitor drop power supply). For example VIPER12A IC can be used to design a power supply but I want to use an IC that requires minimum components to design a power supply.

plenty that have just a buck choke - see power integrations ....


LM7805 for example.


I think the OP is referring to an off-mains supply hence the ref to the Viper12A, perhaps Klaus is being a little sarcastic with the 7805 reference ...

if you google " off-line buck power supply" there are heaps of references ...



I think the OP is referring to an off-mains supply hence
With the given informations all we can do is guessing.
The OP does not give a single information about input voltage (AC, DC, voltage...)
And the OP does not give a single information about output voltage (AC, waveform, DC, voltage, current....)


Um, the clues are there - doesn't want a capacitive dropper - so AC in, likely mains, and Viper12A, an off-line controller chip, and the word - non isolated - implying it would usually be isolated from the mains ....

I see your point. It's not your fault... in opposite.. you do a good job.
But is it the job of forum members to read between the lines?
Or do an internet search what a viper12a is, download the datasheet and read through it to find out what the OP needs?

I'm used to get clear specifications. Values with units, technical terminology...
My personal opinion is that the OP needs to give unabiguous informations.. and ask a clear question.
And that's what forum rules tell.

And yes, I expected that the OP is not looking for a 7805 ... but doesn't it fit to all the given requirements?


Is there any IC to make a simple power supply without transformer? (I don't want capacitor drop power supply). For example VIPER12A IC can be used to design a power supply but I want to use an IC that requires minimum components to design a power supply.
yes there are like lm2576-12
and xl6009
very nice ic have fun dear mdaupu

After many, many years in this and several other online forums, one does indeed becomes exasperated with vague requests. And more so when one attempts to provide an answer, the OP will come back with another set of conflicting requirements which were not originally outlined.

Therefore, I fully understand Klaus' dry humor.

When I see such a request, more so if it comes from a first time poster, I hold on the comments although I revisit the thread to see how all went down.

Dear Mr Schmitt trigger - I fully understand - all this is a product of the " ask google" phenomena - where students etc can only process and absorb small bite size chunks of information as seen on google etc ...

the idea of sitting down with a pencil and paper and fully outlining what they intend to do - before asking questions - and therefore solving and answering their own questions at the start and refining what they need to know - is a foreign concept to many lay people ...

Transformer less Power Supply. One of the major challenges during a circuit design is to generate low-voltage DC from AC to power the circuit. There are many methods to convert AC voltage into DC. The most common method is the use of a step-down transformer to reduce 230V AC to a lower value AC.


Although post #12 text mentions a step-down transformer, the schematic is a capacitive-drop method which is frequently used as an alternate due to its lower cost and less bulk. It may suit the purpose, although component values need to be carefully designed. Was it a bad experience with this topology that makes you wish to avoid it now?

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