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[AVR] Simple Iteration Method for Controll Servo Motor with Microcontroller

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Kharisma Handamt

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Newbie level 5
Oct 10, 2014
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hey guys,,
I had the task of simple iteration method,
how the application of simple iteration method in the microcontroller to regulate the flow of water.
like water level but not adjust volume, about close and open servo motor for fills the bottle with adjust time and must be precise

help,,i need sugestion please


as per your need here..i want auto water filling system controlling by microcontroller,,if so here is the suggestion or solution...

you have to take here two water sensor may be built with water resistant metals, and one for top and another for bottom, top sensor will be used to see the water level and switch of the motor when it feels the tank is full of water and it control the microcontroller to stop the water pump or servo, then again when the water level is very low then it will switch on the servo motor to fill the bottle or tank.

both sensor will be connected with microcontroller and plus relay will be used to swith on the motor, and regulate the water supply..

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Choose a faster water flow sensor and start programming, place the sensor after valve so near. you can have full control of servo motors. what motor/valve you are going to use?

thanks krisna and venkadesh,
its not water level controller but principle like dispencer, but time to fullfil the glass can be adjusted.
so controlled by servo motors to control the width of the opening of the valves,,
how to apply a simple iteration into the microcontroller ??

i use sesor ultrasonic and motor servo for control valve,, i just confused for applied the simple iteration in microcontroller.
how to program in microcntroller,,
its the sheme my task

Ok then distance is input and motor position is the output.

for finding the flow of water you need

change in distance * area of container

But this method cant be more precise because it depends on
waves on the water surface,
accuracy of distance measurement,
area of container,
amount of water flow

In micro controller all you needed to do is to measure the change in distance, if it is more than a set value you have to rotate to close the valve slowly and if it is less than set value you have open the valve slowly untill reaching the required rate of flow.
yes sir,, how to implemented the simple iteration to C or BASCOM Code??
just controlled servo to open partially the valve, but very difficult bcause time factor .
is the sistem can fullfil the glass in 15s? or is the sistem can fullfil the glas in 20s? if the glass is full then the valve is closed

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