Full Member level 6

I have the following source of internet at home:
**broken link removed**
Wireless of 16Gb.
Newly, a GSM Carrier has installed its antennas 50m away from my home. Ever since my internet connection went extremely bad, and decayed from 200Kbps to <10Kbps, knowing that no damages happened to the router.
The carrier have such bad influence on other wireless networks.
I tried to change to position of the bundle, but it still exists in the range of the carrier.
How to solve such situation?
I have the following source of internet at home:
**broken link removed**
Wireless of 16Gb.
Newly, a GSM Carrier has installed its antennas 50m away from my home. Ever since my internet connection went extremely bad, and decayed from 200Kbps to <10Kbps, knowing that no damages happened to the router.
The carrier have such bad influence on other wireless networks.
I tried to change to position of the bundle, but it still exists in the range of the carrier.
How to solve such situation?