[SOLVED] Shift register implementation and use of its value

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This is how I have written:
parameter input_width = 8;
parameter bit_width = 1; //in this case to shift 1 bit at a time

input [input_width-1:0] input_data;
reg    [input_width-1:0] shift_reg;

always @(posedge CLK or negedge RST)
if (!RST) shift_reg <= input_data;
else       shift_reg <= {bit_width{1'b0}}, shift_reg[input_width-1:bit_width]};
I am running this code with different input_data values and it works. Even with different widths of "bit_width" it works by shifting. How could that be possible?
This is all the code thats related to this operation.

Notice there is a difference in the RHS of the two code snippets you posted (highlighted in red). The top one is not a shift register no matter how much you claimed it was.

The second is a shift register. You should proof read your code more carefully to avoid misunderstandings like this, or at a minimum READ others posts carefully so you can correct the mistake sooner.

Sorry about that. I i will mark this question solved. Thanks for your help.

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