Sending DC and digital data using bus form a microcontroller to a sensor board

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Sep 21, 2001
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I want to send DC(9-30V@0.5A) and digital data using bus from a Microcontroller to a sensor board.The distance between these boards are 500cm.It needs to be a more rugged solution.Basically I need the data transfer in both bidirections.(i.e read the status and control a DC motor on sensor board).I want two use less number of lines.For me around 100KHz speed is sufficient.Can somebody help me in this design.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Please help me

I think you can use One Wire communication. You can use dallas chips. I know a little about this communication protocol but i know you can send or receive data on one wire. But i don't know if it's speed is enough for you. I have no idea about its frequency. But you can make some search abot this topic.

Re: Please help me

You can consider standard RS-232 communication - 2 wires - and another 2 wires for power - they can "share" 1 power cable (negative) as the common ground ..

5m distance is not a problem ..

If you can, try CAT-5 cable ..


Re: Please help me

Thanks for sending the reply.

Can I use OOK modulation for data and combine with DC on single line.Iam looking for a cost effective solution.


Please help me

I think that you can use two wires to do. One for DC
power line, and the another for ground.And then use FSK modem ic to transmit or receive data.

Re: Please help me

you should try CAN bus....

Please help me

For data communication, RS-232 is a 3-wire interface and it is Full-duplex (transmit and recieve at the same time).
But RS-485 (or RS-422) is 2-wire only. Moreover, RS-485 supports the communication between more than 2 boards (2 or more) on the same data bus. However, RS-485 is half-duplex (transmission and reception are not allowed at the same time).
Both RS232 and RS485 support baud rates (speeds) up to 115,200 Kbit/Second.

All you need to do is to buy the convenient drive MAX232 or MAX485 from Maxim. There is a big number of compatible drivers on the market from other manufacturers.
I guess you should also consider some standard protocols when writing your software drivers such as Modbus, Fielbus , ...

Ahmed Salah

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