Sending data to a phyisical Serial port using Proteus.

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Newbie level 4
Apr 27, 2013
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Sending data to a physical Serial port using Proteus.

I'm sending some bytes from a PIC16F877A to a COMPIM in proteus.

The COMPIM's properties are set for COM1.

COM1 is the only physical port I have (Although I don't know where is this port on my desktop).

I'm trying to read the bytes using HyperTerminal.

HyperTerminal doesn't show anything.

When using a Virtual Port (VSPE), everything works perfectly.


Re: Sending data to a physical Serial port using Proteus.

If you have real hardware then connect it to COM1 port and it will work. If you want COM1 port to work with Proteus then you need to map that port to some other port like COM5 and then set COM5 for COMPIM.

Re: Sending data to a physical Serial port using Proteus.

If you have real hardware then connect it to COM1 port and it will work. If you want COM1 port to work with Proteus then you need to map that port to some other port like COM5 and then set COM5 for COMPIM.

Using VSPE I selected "Splitter", this is the only option I see that connects a Physical Port to a Virtual Port, then I made COMPIM COM2, then I sent data, but nothing shows up on COM1, is this the right way?

get eltima's virtual serial port driver (VSPD) software
then add pair of port 1 and any other port say port 3 (must not be in use by PC) by using add pair button.
now set compim as port 1
and hyper terminal software as port 3
send the data from proteus and will display on hyper terminal.

hope this helps.
regards ANJ

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