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Schematics and info for USB to IDE interface

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Full Member level 3
Mar 19, 2002
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I need info , anybody have a schematic or info on USB to IDE interface?

pl-2507 schematic

Texas Intrsuments has a device for IDE and USB interface.

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hope that helps

Best Regards

usb to ide circuit diagram

furthermore does anyone know how to write a Windows XP/2000 Driver that would treat then harddrive transparently as if it were actually on the IDE bus itself?

- Jayson

usb circiut diagram for 3.5 ide hdd

Hi again!

I've just found some schemes that look like as if they are working.

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but I cannot speak Cz.

schematic usb2ide


Select 'translation experts', they can translate from Czech to any other language.

I tried to translate the whole page, but it failed.
Just select the text you are interested in and copy it into the translate phrase item

greetz, venz.

wiring diagrams for ide to usb hdd

tcsa35 said:
Hi again!

I've just found some schemes that look like as if they are working.

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but I cannot speak Cz.

Forget those schematics this are simply fakes.
Since there is no special usb HW this will not work.
A 8052 will never be fast enough to decode the usb trafic in software.

The TI TUSB seems to be a good solution but the datasheet is incomplete
and states preview.


isp1581 massstorage evaluation kit

Check the Philips isp1581 chip, has an easy interface to IDE from USB 2.0

more info and schematics at philips site (ISP158x part)
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Another nice recorce for USB questions is,, check the developers forum.

circuit diagram for converting pata to usb

Jayson said:
furthermore does anyone know how to write a Windows XP/2000 Driver that would treat then harddrive transparently as if it were actually on the IDE bus itself?

you won't need that because 2000 ME and XP has already build in support
for usb hdds
Only for 98 you have to provide your own drivers
MS has demo source for 98! Search for umss.exe


pl-2507 firmware


this project is very popular, if someone got more info please post here!

isp1581 example

I did try this project and I'm using FTDI USB controllers for some time. They work great. Try to take part of this project what we need.

ATA/IDE interface for a standard harddisk or CD-ROM's
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and go to this place to see USB controllers:
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isp1581 sample

Do you have related projects regarding to USB2.0?

ide to usb schematic

usbman said:
Jayson said:
furthermore does anyone know how to write a Windows XP/2000 Driver that would treat then harddrive transparently as if it were actually on the IDE bus itself?

you won't need that because 2000 ME and XP has already build in support
for usb hdds
Only for 98 you have to provide your own drivers
MS has demo source for 98! Search for umss.exe


For driver issue, as usbman said, Win2000 ME XP have its own built-in ones.

And it supports Mass Storage Device class.

For further info, you can get it from USB org.


isp1581 sample code

ok... what about +5V and +12V for hdd (cdrom)?? it need external power supply also?? I think USB can give not more than 500mA!! hmm... or it can be take from computer, but if someone don't want open computer?? eh... :(

ide to usb converter circuit diagram

gulson said:
ok... what about +5V and +12V for hdd (cdrom)?? it need external power supply also?? I think USB can give not more than 500mA!! hmm... or it can be take from computer, but if someone don't want open computer?? eh... :(
you shoud consider using a external CD Rom Case and a selfpowerd design. Buspowered USB HDs will only work with newer 2.5 '' HDs.
On the roothub it will be possible to sink arrount 700.. 800 mA but if you are using a external hub there is mostly a current limiting circuit on board.


isp1581 driver

If you take look at lower right section of shematic you will see external power supplay circuit. This player is standalone unit. You can use USB connection to download new firmware (bootloader) or to download new songs from PC.

A switch mode power supply is integrated on the board. It's controlled by a Maxim MAX1626 Step-Down DC-DC controller.
It's a high efficiency (>90%) regulator. The axial 50 uH inductance and a power P-channel FET allows up to about 2 Amps of output current, enough to drive the player and a 2 1/2" hard disk.
The input is protected against inversed polarity and a transient protection diode is added for protection against surges and spikes in a automobile environment.
On the board is also a LP2980 3.3V regulator for supplying the VS1001 and the 74LVC245 with 3.3V.

I send also power supplay shematic and small pdf about generating 5V and 3.3V on the same circuit. PDF is from another mp3 project.


initio circuit diagrams

found a new USB2Ide device. ALI M5621.

Infos at

Datasheet is still incomplete. I have a USB2 IDE adapter here which
uses that chip works great ! about 16MB /s


usb ide schematics

Texas Instruments has a TUSB6250 Demonstration Board. It's on their website. Anyone has it or knows if it's already available? I can't find it. The TI representatives haven't it.


tusb6250 schematic

here is the source of the MS source of the WIN98 USBIDE driver.

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