SAR values and Grid in SEMCAD

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Member level 1
Jun 11, 2009
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Hi all,

I am using the SEMCAD software to calculate SAR values for a model of a dipole and a flat phantom. The size of the dipole and the phantom as well as electrical parameters are as in IEC 62209-2. However, I could not obtain the SAR values as the reference in IEC 62209-2.

If I increase the Grid resolution in SEMCAD, I got a higher SAR values (comparing with those in IEC 62209-2), and if I reduce the resolution, the SAR values is lower than in IEC 62209-2. But I could not obtain a same values as in the reference. Sometimes, I can got a same value for local maximum SAR, but the Peak Avg. SAR is difference.

So, my questions are as the following.

1. Is that right if the more I increase the grid resolution in SEMCAD, the better SAR values I can obtain? (if so, why is the reference in IEC 62209-2 smaller than SAR values in case of high grid resolution?)

2. Is there any good sample file for SEMCAD that can calculate a correct SAR values? (I looked in the tutorial of SEMCAD, but when I increase grid resolution in these tutorial file, the SAR values are also changed. So, I am not sure which are reliable SAR values!!!!)

I hope guys, who are working with SEMCAD, would drop a comment here. It is quite urgent for me now. Thank you very much.

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