salaries for embedded engineer

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wage ranking of engineering in the world

If you come from other countries like Pakistan, I'm not sure it's very easy to come to study in Denmark.
hello ME, being a Pakistani, may i ask you any justification for this please.


gross salary in belgium


I think after these various answers something is lacking here.

No data have been submitted for counties such as Switzerland, Netherland or Belgium. As far as I know these countries, themselves, have a great academic background in Analog and RF (EPFL and ETHZ in Switzerland, TUDelft in Netherland and KULeuven in Belgium) so they must have the relevant industry as well.

Furthermore what about the cost of living and living tips in these countries?

highest government pay rate in europe

I got my master degree in 2005. And now I am in Netherlands.

So far, in china, a fresh master from top 10 universities can get 800-1100USD/m in IC design. 5-year experienced designers can get 1.5k-3kUSD/m. Tax rate is around 15%. This happens in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzheng. A two-bedroom apartment in these cities is around 120-300USD/m which depends on the location.

Fresh bachelor gains less, around 300-500USD/m.

West of China is far less than east, normally 30-50% less in IC industry.

alpacinoliu said:

Engineering&Management 30000-50000 Euro/year

Top Engineers: 30000-40000 Euro/year
Skilled engineers 20000-30000Euro/year
Average Engineer 10000-20000 Euro/year
Beginners 5000-10000 Euro/year

eu poor engineer pay

Does Infineon pay better than average ?

most high salary in eorupe

I have heared that Infineon pays well even for recent grads, although you must take into acount the higher cost of living there.

Added after 1 minutes:

Is 12000 sterling pounds "pa" (I suppose this is per year) a good salary for an engineer in England?

economists ms salary in europe

What city or cities in Europe has/have the highest cost of living ?

salary engineers comparisons european countries

pepillo said:
Is 12000 sterling pounds "pa" (I suppose this is per year) a good salary for an engineer in England?

12.000 GBP p.a. (per annum) is a good student scholarship but a very bad salary in UK

top salaries europe

has anyone heard of the IGP (international graduates program) in infineon

is it good enough???

did anyone join it from here

engineer salary list europe

Belgium, analog IC design, fresh PhD: 3500-4000Euro/month
You get half after tax!
Living cost: 300-600Euro for 2 bedroom appartment depending on location. Food is not expensive.

denmark wages engineer

I live in Hungary.

Earlier I thought that in west europe we can earn 5x as here (average MSC EE in Hungary: 1500$).
As I read these pages, the situation at us, seems quite not bad. for example italians earn fewer?... But development engineers are few here, because here are much more manufacturing companies, who require manufacturing process engineers.
I try to get get a job as a HW development engineer these months, after I graduate.

A two room flat is a minimum of 300$ in Budapest, but in the country, it is less (there are the factories).
TAX: the employer pays circa 30%. the net remains. we should pay 40% TAX, and we can go to buy things, then we have to pay 20% more than the values of the things, as more TAX.
I usually eat for 5-6$/day.

the salary income in denmark

i am in europe since 2004 genarally people here wont diffensiate technical or a laber work (like taxi driver) they will respect and treat both as same now i was in sweden here a masters graduate will get (25000SEKs) = 3000 euros per month and even local bus driver also will get the same amount so as technical u can expect not more than that. it is always around 2500 to 3500 euros per month not more then that and you have to pay 33% tax so you r getting very less pay campared to USA and even here cost of living is very high

salary programmer eu

Do anyone know about exact TAX rates int the different countries? I think it is at least important as the salaries.

What about the USA, england, and belgium?

Iwrote about the Hungarian, but not too correctly.
A new (TAXes, pansion affix, health... ):
- The employer should pay 26%
- Employee should pay: 18% until 7750$/year, and 36% for the remaining above part.
- 4%+8%=12% for the pansion/health... + 22$/year
- when you buy things, the TAX is 20% for food... but 130% for the petrol for your car.

So, if an employer pays 100% for one employee, then you can spend 37% of the total money what you have worked for.

Has anyone any info about that in the USA?

salary engineer in belgium

For a job in France: THALES RAYTHEON SYSTEMS employs people from United States and UK.
If you try spain the best way is to start your company instead of being employed. Salaries are 2000€/month in Spain.

metallurgy engineer salary europe

Hi all,

I dont think you ment Israel when you asked for slaries in Europe but if you do then:
An avarege Electronic design engineer salary is 3000-4000 USD/m depending on company you work for.
Apartments in israel cost 300-600 USD/m 2-4 rooms depending on the location.
Food is very cheap

Good luck

belgium engineering salary

Let me tell about the situation in my country Nepal. Three years ago, after doing BE I taught in a college for one year. I had around 150US$/month. And that's fine for local living cost(at Kathmandu). Few of my classmates who did programming(mostly web-based, outsourcing projects) got around 300US$/month, which was and still is a huge amount in our country. However unless you work in foreign-funded companies or do outsourced programming projects, BE graduates get below 200US$/month. Graduates who do electronics/rf usually go to foreign countries for jobs, or do programming/teaching.

salary 3000 gbp net= gross

I got an offer: 2500EURO/m gross in Belgium. I am a fresh graduated MSC. The task is: design embedded hardware/sw, mostly analog+ 16bit microcontrollers.

Is it bad, or good?

engineer salary belgium

hay guyz.. I know this is off topic.. but already some fellows here talked abt cost of living in USA n Israel n ...
does any1 has an idea abt salaries n taxes in arab countries.. especially cities like Dubai.. i heared that they hav high salaries...
and btw.. the salaries in Lebanon start from arnd $ 800 I guess (a $1000 is good to live..but not enough to own a house in a reasonable time).. but this is if u "find" a job as an engineer... ITs and CS graduates r more wanted here cuze of low income... every year.. 100s of engineers graduate here (hight rate btw).. most of em travel outside to find jobs..

salary in europe for engineers

I was offered 75000 euros for rf engineer in buchurest.
93,000 after 6 months

eu netto salary

Anyone knows about the salary levels for analog/RF IC designer in Austria & France?

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