Member level 3
I have a two board rs485 communicating system, one uses PIC18F452, the other uses PIC16F628.
When I start serial communication, it hangs after some time passes, it stops communicating. If I restart PIC16F628 when 4-5 second non-communication happens, it starts working correctly. Sometimes PIC18 also needs to be resetted.
What can be the problem? I don't want to reset the chips.
Thanks in advance.
I have a two board rs485 communicating system, one uses PIC18F452, the other uses PIC16F628.
When I start serial communication, it hangs after some time passes, it stops communicating. If I restart PIC16F628 when 4-5 second non-communication happens, it starts working correctly. Sometimes PIC18 also needs to be resetted.
What can be the problem? I don't want to reset the chips.
Thanks in advance.