Advanced Member level 4

This driver was designed to control the room lamp. It is equipped with three independent channels which can be controlled from RC5 remote control. The driver has the function of learning RC5 codes. The driver has the function of control using the wall switch. When the driver detects a power failure, it saves the state of channels and turns them off. After the power is back, all the bulbs/lamps are off, and the next time of the power failure, the state before turn off the lamps is read and only those lamps/tubes are lit which were lit before switching off. Power is maintained by two capacitors2200uF, one before and one after the stabilizer. One of the assumption of this project was to create a device that minimally interfere with existing electrical installation.

The last picture showing the prototype of the driver:

In the attachment to the original thread you can find the schematic diagram and PCB, as well as the program for the uC. The program was written in Assembler.
Link to original thread (useful attachment) - Sterownik lampy pokojowej