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(rookie question) 2 Inductors feel off my pcb

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jan 20, 2013
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I have a raid card that I've had for a while. Today I noticed 2 loose inductors on the board. Foolishly I pulled on one and they both fell off. So is there any way I can fix this? It's a very expensive raid card. I don't want to buy another. I do have practice with soldering but I never had to solder an inductor before. I don't even know how its mounted. I dont see any metal on the pcb so maybe it's fried.

I've attached pictures. I really appreciate any help!


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yes - your pic clearly shows that the card is fried. The blackish braided area is definitely burned, and there's no way to tell how much damage is there.

Hello thermocoffee,

yes, the card is fried. Before you try to repair it, try to get support from the manufacturer of this card. Maybe he will change it by warranty or repair it.

It's not easy to repair it yourself, if you have no experience to do it. I think it's a multilayer card.

You don't know the reason, why it is burn out. The simple reason is only a bad soldering point and the current has heat up the devices, but it can also be that other devices like capacitors or diodes are the reason. Also you don't know if the two chokes are still alive.

To repair it yourself, you must clean the PCB.

Do all the following very carefully, that you make no more damage!

The best way to do it, is to use a fiber glass brush to take off the coal carefully. Normaly you can see the rest of metal tips, where the choke are soldered. Carefully wipe out all dust with isopropyl alcohol (IPA 100%).
Do the same with the chokes. Solder a piece of wire to the soldering points of the chokes and than solder it to the PCB.

Control all again, if you have make no short circuit.

Pray, start your test and hope that it's function now :lol:

I hope it will help


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Thanks so much for the response. I will attempt to do this sometime today. My warranty is gone. The raid card is around $600. I don't have that to spend.

One more quick question. I should be seeing metal somewhere on the pcb where the inductor use to make contact with? I don't see that currently. Maybe once I clean it I will see it. Also, What gauge wire should I use?


- - - Updated - - -

Ok so I have an update. I found some of the metal contacts. I'm wondering if these are all of them. See attached picture.

I've circled the contacts. The 2 red ones are very clear to me to be correct. The blue circled one confuses me. If I touch the top red circle with the blue circle area with my multimeter in continuity mode, I get a beep. I'm wondering if that could be correct. That's the only metal contact I can find in that BIG braided area. Could it be that these inductors were connected as a series? For example, The top red one is connected to one of the inductor's contacts. Then the other contact is connected to the other inductor. Then that inductor is connected to the bottom red circle.

I'll keep searching for contacts on that big braided area but I can't find any.


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i suggest you don't even try. That burn is so bad, any attempt to repair is 99% likely to fail unless you know a heck of a lot more than you do now.

Just use the board for spare parts now.. thats the best advice for you..


kripacharya. Well I guess I can try to find someone locally to at a look at it for me.

The better move here will be that my friend the damage is done and only a pro can help you if you are not one

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