roadmap form electronics newbie to expert

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Newbie level 6
May 27, 2003
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Could any one of you showing your opinion on the
roadmap from electronics newbie to expert

read books

Read all of the books you can find in your local library on the subject. Electronics is like playing a musical instrument. It takes years of practice to get good at it.

Basic elect

Hello wangsx
flatulent is right ....u can become master of anything after u practice it....
Here is one site which will provide you with a whole lot of information....

Hope this will help u a lot in near future....

Best Regards

Many thanks.
I will dip my life into this area.
As the quick improvement of IC technology. Do you think it is
still necessary to learn more about discreted circuit?

start with the basics

The laws of physics have not changed. Here is a suggested reading list of older (and therefore cheaper) books.

1. Start with an amateur radio book. I suggest the 1968 4th edition of the RSGB Radio Communications Handbook. Read it through many times until you both mentally understand everything and also have a physical emotional feel for it.

2. Get the book Circuits, Devices, and Systems by Ralph Smith and do the same reading cycle. Do the homework problems. Get a free version of SPICE from the web and check your answers with it. Try varying the circuit parameters and see if the results are as you expect. The book on SPICE by Paul W. Tuinenga is very good for learning how to use the program.

3. At this point you should have a good understanding of the scientific principles and can branch out in your reading to areas that interest you. You should also have a good enough understand to be able to get a job in electroniccs doing technician level work.

This might seem a lot of work to do before you end up doing what you really want, but it is like practicing scales in music before you get around to playing popular tunes.

There is another good link for u.

one further book

There is a very old book that is still useful. It is Radio Engineers' Handbook by Fred Terman. The 1943 edition is the best. This book has desriptions of many systems that are still in use today. It will also give you understanding of components. It is available for cheap from internet used book sites. If you read the introduction you will notice a sentence about leaving out secret war work. These would be involving LORAN and RADAR. I to this day make reference to it.

It is no so easy to get this bible books
in my country at all. Any way, I will
try to seek them in future.

try internet

The internet used book store search site will give you stores that do business by international postal methods and have the used book in stock.

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