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RF book or RF E-book for engineer (English version)

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jun 11, 2001
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Hi, guys:

I want to buy 2 RF books (English version):

1. RF circuit design

S parameter and Smith chart
Impedance match
RF small signal amplifier
RF power amplifier
RF oscillator and VCO
RF mixer
Switches and attenuators
Broadband technology

2. RFIC and MMIC design

Active devices and fabrication technology
Passive component or Micro-strip circuit
CAD and CAM technique
RF IC design
MMIC design

I already have some RF textbook. I’d like to buy two books and learn how to finish engineering design. These books should teach me how to select the form of circuit, how to calculate the value of component of circuit from the circuit parameter, how to test and simulate. In other words, teach me how to accomplish design from ideal to final products. This means I would not like the books look like textbook with too much principle.

I hope anyone who has the ideal to give me some suggestion on the RF book or E-book. I really appreciate it.

Best regards,



The following topic on this Forum maybe of some help for you regarding your first book:
**broken link removed**

Probably out of the three mentioned there the most suitable for you would be the RF/Microwave circuit design by Rohde/Newkirk.
Would you name some of your RF textbooks you already know so that I should not look for/mention again next time because I'll try to dig out some more in a few days' time.

Regards, unkarc

Hi, unkarc:

Thank you very much.

I already have RF and Microwave books as below:

By Thomas S. Laverghetta, Prentice-Hall Inc.
ISBN: 0-13-186875-6

By Jon B. Hagen, Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-55356-3

The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits
By Thomas H. Lee, Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-63061-4

Foundations of Microwave Engineering
By Robert E. Collin
ISBN: 0-780-36031-1

Best Regards,


Also try these 2 Books:
1)Microwave Devices and Circuits
By Samuel Y. Liao
2)Microwave Engineering
By David M. Pozar

Hi ywyw,

I think I can add two more for those already recommended by others or me on this Forum. The second book below is more practical than the first one.
1) Introduction to RF design
by Wes Hayward; 400 pages. First ARRL Edition, Third Printing, © 1994-2000, The American Radio Relay League, Inc. (with CD-ROM incl.)
(ISBN: 0-87259-492-0) #4920 -- $39.95

2)Solid-State Design for the Radio Amateur
By Doug DeMaw and Wes Hayward; 256 pages. Third printing, 1995. © 1986, The American Radio Relay League, Inc.
(ISBN: 0-87259-040-2) #0402 -- $15.00

These books should not be under-estimated just because they are written for radio amateurs: the writers are at professional level and of much constructional practice.

You can order them at and see them at

regards, unkarc

In my opinion as a high exprienced Design Engineer for many years , every book has a some draft subjects and some light concepts.
Therefore for a specific project needs a specific book.
For instance designing of a MW amplifier , you should use
" Microwave Transistor Amplifier Design" Gonzales,Guillermo , Prantice-Hall 1996 2nd Edition.
But is it sufficient for a good design ? No!
In fact everything depends on your specific
project and therefore you should work with many sources.
For a power amplifiers ,
"RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communication" Steve C. Cripps , Artech-House

and well written excellent book on amplifiers
"Solid State Microwave Amplifier Design " T.T.Ha , Krieger Publishings

and a as gift, if you inform me your e-mail address , I can send you some " non-available, internal use only " document on PLL synthesizers . ( because I'm a Wireless IC Designer )

Hi, unkarc, armanio and BigBoss:

Thank you for your time and kindness.

And I got the gift that BigBoss sent me:
non-available, internal use only document on PLL synthesizers.


The files are useful and helpful.

Can anybody share the design stuff on microstrip filters ?

Thanks in advance,


why can't I get the
the BigBoss directory is non-accessible

My directory is accessible?? There is no problem..
Please don't request these files by e-mail because they are very big for standard e-amil inboxes. Instead of this go to my directory and share it. If you would like to get some other documents about VCO's , Wireless IC design , Analog VLSI Building blocks , Mixers , IC Amplifiers, 3GSM UMTS.. etc. please send me PM..

Hi cbirdman,

I have no problem down loading the file (zip). Try to click on the "drive" icon on the right of the row. It will auto download.
Thanks BigBoss.


Thanks very much to BigBoss
I can get it now.
What is "PM" meaning?
Because I wanna know more information about
cmos LNA and Power amplifier for wirelessLAN.


To BigBoss!!

I would like to access yout directory...
BUT...I can't even access to FileManager!!

Besides...I really need some thing related to Mixer design...!

There is a lot of info the web on mixer design.

Try these two websites

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

me too
i also need A/D/S/2001
it will be great if someone sends its link

I have RF Circuit E-Book.But it is 18MByte!

hey guys can u help i want to download ebooks
can u send me some links
i want books related to microwaves and mobile cellulars

ywyw said:
Hi, unkarc, armanio and BigBoss:

Thank you for your time and kindness.

And I got the gift that BigBoss sent me:
non-available, internal use only document on PLL synthesizers.


The files are useful and helpful.

Can anybody share the design stuff on microstrip filters ?

Thanks in advance,


where can i find the filemanager?

the book on microstip filter

Hi armanio
Do you have a soft copy of this book or any link to download it
if so help
1)Microwave Devices and Circuits
By Samuel Y. Liao

Another very good book is:
"The ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual"
If you need to start, and it is in microwave I would say this book is a must!
PS:ARRL were always the best in the field. Many people say that they are not professionals, etc.. but many direct and simple explanations you will only find in theyr books.

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