Research question: CHEVP

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Dec 2, 2005
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CHEVP = Canny / Hough Estimation of Vanishing Point

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(ii) Straight Lines Detection by Hough Transform

The detected edge points are used to vote for possible lines in the space of line parameters. The image is here partitioned into a small number of horizontal sections, i.e. five as shown in Figure 2(a), in order to accommodate the change in road vanishing point due to the bend of the road. The height of image section is gradually reduced as moving to the upper part of image (please refer to Figure 2(a)). Notice that, each image section has its own space of line parameters, and edge points in each image section vote separately for possible straight lines in that section.

By suitably thresholding the normalized accumulator spaces, line segments can be finally detected for each image section (Figure 2(b)).

I wonder about the bold part.

What is the technique of thresholding the normalized accumulator spaces ?
What books or chapters are this technique written in?
If possible, please give me some simple / brief explanation

Any ideas for helping me is appreciated

Cat Le

This very oldish but good book helps you

Title: Digital Image Processing: PIKS Scientific Inside (Fourth Edition)
Author: by William K. Pratt
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0471767778
Copyright: 2007

Prev/ Ed.
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Thanks for your help. I will try to read this book and find the solution myself.

Cat Le

Added after 47 minutes:

Hi fontp,

I think the thresholding the normalized accumulator spaces is a method of image preprocessing. Am I right ?
If I am wrong, what part is this technique in ?

Cat Le

Read this please about Hough Transform

lengoanhcat said:
I think the thresholding the normalized accumulator spaces is a method of image preprocessing. Am I right ?
If I am wrong, what part is this technique in ?

Maybe it is (?)
Hough Transform itself is a sort of feature detection

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