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REQ: PIC16F84 A/V/mAh meter for battery charger?

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Newbie level 5
Dec 26, 2005
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mah meter

I built switching inteligent battery charger with MAX712 with discharging unit, and now I want to add digital V meter (15Vdc max), A meter (3A max) and I want to measure battery capacity while is connected to discharging circuit.
Charge-discharge is automatic with LED signalisation so I can get control signal from 3 LEDs (charge, discharge, finish)
I want to do this with PIC16F84 and 16x2 LCD.

Does anybady know how to do this or have some project shematic and hex?

pic16f battery charger

what are you charging li-ion/polymer ??....

battery charger circuit+pic16f

I charge Ni-MH with modified factory switcher schematic and works great. At 2.5A everything is cold.
Before that I tried with linear charger, and disipation was very high.

pic16f84 ميتر

i dont know to much about that type of battery, but if you want the charger to determin the capacity (Amp-hour), I think I read once that they meaure the internal resistance of the battery, to determine it.

or do you mean how charged the battery is?

bare in mind im not a 100 % sure...

hope it helps a bit

pic16f84 charger

I discharge battery with constant curent until 1V per cell.
I need only to measure time of discharging and calculate battery capacity.
If battery discharge take 10 hours at 200mA, than battery capacity is 2000mAh.
Thats all.
Discharging start-stop are automatic.
Discharging current I can select, so I only need timer wich can measure time of lighting "discharge" LED control signal, calculate t*I and display mAh

pic16f84 nimh

then you should use the timer module in the mcu ,maybe set it to interrrupt every sec , then program a clock counter using arrays u increment (to meausre discarge time) . you could use the signal from discharge led to initiate counter. it shouldent be to difficult to calc. capacity from known lOad and mea sured discharge time.

if i remember correct the pic16f84 has 2 timers you can use.

but if you want to measure mAh wit mcu then you need another pic, since the one you suggested dont have an A/D converter

battery characterizer

This circuit is a battery characterizer that applies a fixed load to a charged NiCad or NiMH cell and measures milliamp-hour capacity as it discharges.

**broken link removed**

Good luck...:D

batery charger pic16f84a

SPATAN said:
This circuit is a battery characterizer that applies a fixed load to a charged NiCad or NiMH cell and measures milliamp-hour capacity as it discharges.

**broken link removed**

Good luck...:D

Can you tell me did you test this project? I need compiled HEX file?

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