RelXpert and AgeMOS Method

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Newbie level 1
Jan 10, 2011
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I need to do some reliability simulations with NBTI, and I am having trouble figuring out where to start. I have access to RelXpert. Can someone explain to me in simple terms exactly how RelXpert works? I also have seen many references to the "AgeMOS Method" but I have yet to find an explanation of what this is. How do you find an AgeMOS model? I have seen a lot of talk about "Parameter Extracting." What exactly does this mean and how is it done? I know these questions are simple, but it can be surprisingly hard to find simple explanations of these things on the internet. I am new at this and would really appreciate any explanations that you could provide.


For simulations to have any relevance you need the
model to predict behavior. Thus you need to know
the behavior - the real behavior - at a minimum.

Then almost certainly you will have to fit the model
to the reality beginning with the parameters which
are measurable or well known and then further
adjusting the "fudge factors" that remain, until you
have a model that was realistic for some anecdote,
or better yet a sample set with some variety and
that variation pushed at the measurable-params so
your "fudging" (the nonmeasurable) can be shown
to have some range of realism (because in modeling
it is not uncommon for 7-1/2 wrongs to make a
"right enough" (according to the modeling dude,
who does not have to deal with the consequences
of unrealism - that's the circuit designer's lot).

Seems to be a lot of interest in predicting reliability
based on models. But proving always has to happen
sooner or later. These proof tests are good places
to mine for data.

Probably a lot of what you will find for parameter
extraction will be oriented to automated, high-$
tools because modern models have too many
and too non-physical, non-electrically-measurable
parameters. But if you already have a time-zero
fitted model and a series of device curves across
aging that you can see movement on, that should
be approachable with "manual" methods once you
understand the model and which params do what.

When in doubt, start with the data.
Hi DClosely!

I am now intersted in the transistor decives' reliability too.I also know that the "RelXpert" can do aging (NBTI and HCI) simulation.But I only have the experience of Ultrasim and Spectre,and it is said that there is a "Virtuoso RelXpert Realiability Simulator User Guide".What makes me desperate is that I cannot find this User Guide and even something about the using of RelXpert!Until now,I still donot know how to start the ReLXpert in Cadence.

So,do you have the User Guide or anything about the study of RelXpert? And can you send me one ?
My Email:

Thanks for you so much!

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