Read and write access of management registers via MDIO in SGMII IP core in VCU118

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Newbie level 4
Oct 14, 2010
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HI all,

we are trying to interface custom MAC controller with GMII interface with SGMII ip core in SGMII mode and it is connected to Ethernet phy on the custom board we are using VCU118 fpga.

we have enabled management interface, external management interface and also auto-negotiation. SGMII PHY mode is off.

we are able to access Ethernet phy registers via MDIO but when we are trying to access SGMII IP core management registers we are not getting any response.

we kept phy address as 5'b10000.

following is the snippet of connections

GMII_Block_PMA_0_wrapper GMII_Interface_GEM0_inst(

                .independent_clock_bufg_0            (independent_clock_200),
                .gtpowergood_0                        (gtpowergood_0_out),
                .gtrefclk_in_0_clk_n                (gtrefclk_in_0_clk_n_in),    // Differential -ve of reference clock for MGT: very high quality.
                .gtrefclk_in_0_clk_p                (gtrefclk_in_0_clk_p_in),    // Differential +ve of reference clock for MGT: very high quality.
                .gtrefclk_out_0                        (),
                .sgmii_0_rxn                        (sgmii_0_rxn_in),            // Differential -ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
                .sgmii_0_rxp                        (sgmii_0_rxp_in),            // Differential +ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
                .sgmii_0_txn                        (sgmii_0_txn_out),            // Differential -ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.
                .sgmii_0_txp                        (sgmii_0_txp_out),            // Differential +ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.

                .gmii_isolate_0                        (),
                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_rx_dv                (fab_mac0_rx_dv_sync),
                                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_rx_er                (fab_mac0_rx_er_sync),
                                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_rxd                    (fab_mac0_rxd_sync),
                                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_tx_en                (fab_mac0_tx_en_sync),
                                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_tx_er                (fab_mac0_tx_er_sync),
                                .gmii_pcs_pma_0_txd                    (fab_mac0_txd_sync),
//                .sgmii_rx_clk                        (sgmii_rx_clk),
//                .sgmii_clk                            (sgmii_clk),

                .sgmii_clk_en_0                     (sgmii_clk_en_0),
                .sgmii_clk_f_0                      (sgmii_clk_f_0),
                .sgmii_clk_r_0                      (sgmii_clk_r_0),            // going to mac tx clk
                .sgmii_rx_clk_en_0                  (sgmii_rx_clk_en_0),
                .sgmii_rx_clk_f_0                   (sgmii_rx_clk_f_0),
                .sgmii_rx_clk_r_0                   (sgmii_rx_clk_r_0),  // going to mac rx clk

                .mdc_0                                (fab_mdio0_mdc_h2f),        // from GEM
                .mdio_i_0                            (fab_mdio0_out_h2f),                    
                .mdio_o_0                            (fab_mdio0_in_f2h),
                .mdio_t_0                            (),
                .mdio_t_in_0                        (fab_mdio0_oe_h2f),  // check important going to ext_t_in   
            //    .mdio_pcs_pma_0_mdio_io                (mdio_from_gem),     // from GEM
                .phyaddr_0                            (5'b10000),
                .ext_mdc_0                            (phy_mdc),   // clk to external phy
                .ext_mdio_i_0                        (ext_mdio_i_0),
                .ext_mdio_o_0                        (ext_mdio_o_0),
                .ext_mdio_t_0                        (ext_mdio_t_0),
            //    .ext_mdio_pcs_pma_0_mdio_io            (phy_mdio),   // mdio to external phy
                .configuration_valid_0                (1'b0),
                .configuration_vector_0                (5'b00000),

                .an_adv_config_val_0                (1'b0),
                .an_adv_config_vector_0                (16'h0000),
                .an_interrupt_0                        (Autonegotiation_interrupt),
                .an_restart_config_0                (1'b0),

                .speed_is_100_0                        (fab_mac0_speed_mode[0]),
                .speed_is_10_100_0                    (~fab_mac0_speed_mode[1]),

                .signal_detect_0                    (1'b1),
                .reset_0                            (fab_mgpio_out_h2f[1]),
                .resetdone_0                        (1'b1),
                .status_vector_0                    (status_vector_0),
                .mmcm_locked_out_0                    (mmcm_locked_out_0_out),
                .pma_reset_out_0                    (pma_reset_out_0_out),

                .rxuserclk2_out_0                    (rxuserclk2),
                .rxuserclk_out_0                    (recovered_clk),
                .userclk2_out_0                        (usrclk_tx),     // going to gtx clk input of mac
                .userclk_out_0                         ()


        IOBUF  mdio ( .T(!ext_mdio_t_0), .I(ext_mdio_o_0), .O(ext_mdio_i_0), .IO(phy_mdio) );
please suggest any changes in the connections or i am missing something.


There're so many things that can go wrong...
Why do you think it's the connections?

Did you try to simulate it ?

I didn't try to simulate the design.

Re: Read and write access of management registers via MDIO in SGMII IP core in VCU118
‎09-08-2018 10:58 AM

we have observed that " mdio_t_0 " not getting toggled
so as per the ip core assigments

assign ext_mdc = mdc;
assign mdio_o = (mdio_t ==1'b1) ? ext_mdio_i :mdio_o_int;
this signal remains 1. hence we are not getting the data from the SGMII IP core..

We are using driver to drive the Mac to generate the mdio signals those signals are going to Ethernet phy as well as sgmii ip core.

Do we have to add a reset synchronizer or something in the design??

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