RC Helicopter on-board regulator

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Newbie level 2
Oct 15, 2010
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Hi all,
I am new to this forum and have come here with an electronic background as a technician rather than a design engineer.
What I am after is a voltage regulator circuit with the following criteria.

1) Input voltage will be from Li-Po battery 2S or 3S (7.4V to 11.1V nominal fully charged 8.4V to 12.6V).
2) Be able to accept 2 input sources simultaneously for redundancy so if one cell fails then the reg will still work off the other cell.
3) LED indicators for voltage levels of both power packs.
4) One 5.2V output with max sustained 5A current.
5) an additional programmable output in steps of 6V, 6.8V, 8V with a max continuous current of 10A.
6)Low voltage alarm in the form of a high vis LED.
7) a remote mounted switch to be able to turn regulator on or off negating the need to remove the packs.
8) An on board glow driver actuated using a momentary push switch and giving a voltage of 1.2V for 15 secs (not sure of the current requirements yet but is needed to ignite an RC glow plug such as an OS #8)
9) must remain relatively small so that it can be mounted on an RC helicopter though may contain cooling fins to allow good heat dissappation.
10) Could be linear or switching although if switching, RF must not interfere with 2.4Ghz radio signal.
11) Preferably constructed from SMD devices that can be bonded due to vibrations on Helicopters.

Anyone got any ideas or pointers. I know its quite a handful especially for a first post!
Thanks guys.

That is a lot to ask...of a battery! I'm calculating a power requirement of more than 105 W, continuous. One of your requirements is for an output voltage higher than the nominal input voltage at end of discharge so you would need more input voltage or a boost regulator. You might consider using batteries in series to increase the input voltage. A DC-DC converter may be of use rather than a regulator. There are battery fuel gauge circuits available that are tailored to Li-Po batteries. You didn't mention the capacity of your intended batteries but I'm guessing you'll need more capacity than you can lift.

I'm sorry to be the wet blanket and I hope you find a solution.
Thanks for your feedback and no your not being a wet blanket at all.
I guess I need to explain things a little better.
The 8V output really only needs to be the actual rail voltage of the 2S pack so can just bypass the regulator when this option is selected but must not be able to bypass when using a 3S setup i.e. 11V or this will fry everything.
As far as power consumption goes a lot of high speed high torque servos used in high end RC helicopters pull around 1A in normal use and have a stall current of 5A each!
The batteries we use range from around 2500Mah to 5000 Mah capacity with very high discharge ratings. Anything from 10C right up to 40C so are capable of delivering anything from 25Amps up to a whopping 200Amps.
So plenty capable.
I guess a DC to DC convertor would also do the trick.

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