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Raspberry Pi UART Interrupts

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Newbie level 6
Feb 4, 2013
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I am working with Raspberry Pi B+ in embedded C for an IOT based project. Here I am using Raspbian OS and bcm2835 library and the project consists of ADAM-2031z (zigbee transmitter + sensor) node and the Raspbee is used as the zigbee reception. Raspbee module is connected to the raspberry Pi using UART. Raspbee had already programmed. So my plan is to generate an interrupt on UART reception and process the data and send to the server. But when googling I can't find any handler codes for UART reception ,most of them I saw just polling for the data and in some case using the kernal programming. I am using termios.h file in linux for serial communcation. What I want to know is, whether UART inerrupt can be programmed using the interrupt handler as in the microcontroller programming? because I had more experience in microcontroller programming.

hope this might help please read the read me file first as given in the link.

Hi ud23,
First of all thanks for your reply. As I had written in the earlier post I want to connect my Raspberry Pi to cloud. When googling I had found different methods for connecting the RPi to internet. Here I had noticed that CC2520 (802.15.4- Zigbee radio module) from TI can be used for my project. For this the RPi is programmed to act as a border router and I want to tunnel IPV6 to RPi. But how tunneling can be done and is that available free?


First of all just go through the links and you can find RPi is connected to cloud using CC2520
The above link mentioning about different methods for connecting Rpi to Internet. In that I had understood the method using Jennet IP. There they are using jennic jn5148 (running jennet-ip stack) USB stick for bridging the WPAN to internet. But using CC2520 AND RPi how the bridging can be done and connect the WPAN to internet?. In the CC2520 project they are programming the RPi as a border router. My project is an home automation based for controlling the devices using Internet. So, what I want to know here is how the RPi can be connected to Internet using CC2520?, if not can somebody suggest any other open-source options for connecting RPi to Internet


As per your post #1 you are using zigbee for your project and now you want to switch to CC2520? I don't know the reason.Whatever I am not expert in Raspberry Pi but for your home automation idea it have been done so many times i guess.

and for CC2520 its use and interfacing explained at the links in your previous post.

As per your post #1 you are using zigbee for your project and now you want to switch to CC2520? I don't know the reason.Whatever I am not expert in Raspberry Pi but for your home automation idea it have been done so many times i guess.

and for CC2520 its use and interfacing explained at the links in your previous post.

Yes,this idea has been done so many times but I can't understand how the WPAN network using CC2520 can be connected to LAN(Internet). Can anyone clarify this?

Hi ud23,
I just want to connect my RPi directly to the internet either wireless or wired, for enabling the IOT. But when googling I can't able to find any linux Ubuntu based open source firmware for this. Can you suggest me few open source firmware for enabling the IOT either wired or wireless. I am using RPi B+ and Raspbian OS. Also I had found some open source codes using Contiki OS but I am not interested in that.

Best Regards,

Hi ud23,
After several hours of googling I can able to figure out one which will be helpful for my project. Here it is: **broken link removed**. I had simulated the IOT concept from this site and I can find that they are actually providing the sensor values from RPi(just reading values from the RPi to cloud), but there is no option for sending commands to RPi. What I want is to control the relays(home automation) by cloud. So I want to send the commands to RPi. Can I make the home automation project with IBM concept?

Best Regards,

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