[SOLVED] Quick VHDL coding question

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Member level 1
Jun 12, 2010
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My question is:

What is the difference (if any) between the declaration of a variable in a subprogram and the declaration of a variable in a process?

Now i believe that there is no difference because the varaible will still be updated immendiately in both cases. However i am not sure and i hope someone can clarify this for me.


One difference is that a variable in a subprogram will NOT hold it's value, from call to call, where a variable in a process will, from event to event.

That is the only difference I can think of.


when you say it does "not hold the value", do you mean the variable will be updated when it reaches the end of the subprogram but not within the subprogram?

if you have code like below insides of a process:

x <= my_var;
my_var := y;
z <= my_var;

then after cycle 1, x is unknown, and z is y. after cycle 2, x is the previous value of y, and z is the current value of y.

in a procedure, this would not happen. the result of the process would be that x is unknown, and z is y. if the proceedure is run several times, the result is the same -- x unknown, z is y.

Remember that variables are updated at the time they are assigned, even if they are contained in a process.

What permute said is correct. Because when you re-enter the procedure, the value that was assigned to x will have been lost. This will happen to procedures that are defined in a package. If the procedure is defined within a process, then it is in a process, and will hold it's value.

I guess in software'ish terms the life of a variable is limited to the time spent in a procedure, where as a process always exists, therefore it's life of a variable, in a process, is as long as the process exists.


thanks for the clarification, i understand now.

Ok i have another question:

When the following VHDL model of a a device is simulated, it is found that the wrong input may be selected. Explain why and show in two ways how the correct behaviour can be modelled.

	Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
	Entity BUFF is
		Port ( sel, reset, clock: in std_logic; D : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
			Zout : out std_logic_vector (3 downto ));

Architecture behave of BUFF is
	Signal Q : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
Process( sel,reset.clock,D)
	If reset = ‘1’ then Q<=(others => ‘0’);
elsif clock = ‘1’ and clock”event  then 
Q <= D;
end if;
if sel = ‘1’ then
		Zout<= Q ;
		Zout<= “ZZZZ”;
end if ;
end process;
end architecture behave;
Can someone find anything wrong with this? The only thing i found incorrect was that it required the Q in the sensitivity list.
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Clocked and unclocked logic shouldnt really be in the same process.

ok, but would something like this still work even if i had one process
	If reset = '1' then
		Q<=(others => '0');
	elsif(clock = '1' and clock'event) then 
		Q <= D;
	     if sel = '1' then
	        Zout<= Q ;
		Zout<= "ZZZZ";
	     end if;
       end if;
end process;

Yes, as its all inside the clock branch. But this isnt the same code as above, as the output is now registered (in the origional code, Zout isnt registered)

Yes but isn't that what the question is asking to model the code to make it work without any of the simulation error.

If you simulated the origional code, apart from Q not being in the sensitivity list, there would be no errors. You might have problems with synthesis though.

You dont show what the code is meant to simulate, so I cant tell if the code matches the model.

So i the first method would separate the clocked and unclocked into different process, however what would be the second method?

Can someone give me some suggestions on how would i rewrite the following code to give me one adder rather than two adders.

if SEL = '1' then
Z <= A + B;
Z <= A + C;
end if;

varaible B_ip : whetever_type_b_is;

if sel = '1' then
  B_ip := B;
  B_ip := C;
end if;

Z <= A + B_ip;
The following question having trouble with:
A signal q is defined via the data type ROM which is defined as
TYPE ROM is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
Signal q: ROM;
Write an efficient VHDL code to clear the signal q.

I'm troubled by that question too, because you can't clear a Rom.

do you mean like
signal q : rom := (others => x"0000000000000000");
signal q : rom := (others => (others => '0'));

which initializes the rom to all 0's. that's as close as you can get to doing any changes to a _rom_.

yeh i think so. unfortunately i don't have any answers to this question so i cannot check if it is correct.

I agree, that initializing the ROM is the only meaningful answer to this vague question, and it has been given clearly.

By the way, I think it's a bad habbit to use a thread as a personal blog, adding unrelated questions as they come. (We have some more of these :sad: ). You should better close the thread.

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