Questions about AD/DA design

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Member level 4
Jul 22, 2005
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Dear all,

I have some questions.

1.How do I design my switch of AD? What do I focus on ? Linearity? or...

2.Why do the linedriver use class AB or classA?

3.How do I design common mode feedback? gain , fu or capacitor?

4.How do I desgin linedriver of DA ? Like gain or fu.

If you know please tell me and you have some information, please let me know.

Thanks very much.

Re: AD/DA design

try this book:

Principles of Data Conversion

by Razavi Bezhad

**broken link removed**

Re: AD/DA design

Which architecture do you use for the ADC and the DAC?

Re: AD/DA design

naalald said:
Which architecture do you use for the ADC and the DAC?

I do pipeline AD , SAR AD , current dac with line driver.

Re: AD/DA design

In pipeline ADCs, you can use transmission gates (it is said that they could reach to 15 bits resolution). You should minimize the on-resistance of the switch to minimize the ditortion it causes. But for the input switches especially if you have a sample and hold at the input, you'd better use bootstrap switches in order not to degrade the ADC THD.
The gain of the opamps are defined according to the resolution of the remaining sub-ADC.
The capacitor values are defined according to two main restrictions: noise and mismatch. You should calculate with both methods and choose the bigger one.
In order to have an optimum power dissipation, you can scale the capacitors of the stages, so that you would use smaller capacitors for the last stages.
You should consider a specific error for each of the limited gain of the opamps, the capacitor mismatch and the settling error of the opamps.

Re: AD/DA design

drming said:
try this book:

Principles of Data Conversion

by Razavi Bezhad

**broken link removed**


do you have this book?if so can you share?

Re: AD/DA design

I have this book, but it is not electronic version.

Re: AD/DA design

drming said:
try this book:

Principles of Data Conversion

by Razavi Bezhad

**broken link removed**

Are you sure about the path?? I am not getting anything there...There is no registration tab.... Is there any other way to access the book if it is really there???

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