Newbie level 3
hi there,
the following is the code using generate,endgenerate to achieve an n bit adder. For now, the code sets n=4 thus having a 4 bit adder. The code is working fine.
As you can see in the code, there is no timescale used, I would like each sample to be 100ns long in the waveform viewer. I added the modifications (in red) but the code could not compile. How should I adjust the timescale settings to achieve what i want?
thanks alot
`timescale 1ns/1ns
the following is the code using generate,endgenerate to achieve an n bit adder. For now, the code sets n=4 thus having a 4 bit adder. The code is working fine.
As you can see in the code, there is no timescale used, I would like each sample to be 100ns long in the waveform viewer. I added the modifications (in red) but the code could not compile. How should I adjust the timescale settings to achieve what i want?
thanks alot
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module nbitadder(Cout,Sum,A,B,Cin);
parameter SIZE=4;
output[SIZE-1:0] Sum;
output Cout;
input [SIZE-1:0] A;
input [SIZE-1:0] B;
input Cin;
wire [SIZE:0] w;
genvar i;
assign w[0]=Cin;
assign Cout=w[SIZE];
wire n1,n2,n3;
xor g1 (n1, A[i], B[i]);
xor g2 (Sum[i], n1, w[i]);
and g3 (n2, A[i], B[i]);
and g4 (n3, n1, w[i]);
or g5 (w[i+1], n2, n3);