Question about DC source switching

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Member level 1
Oct 20, 2001
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Hi everybody!

I want to switch between two DC sources (24V & 36V). These sources may supply a quite high current (0.5 A):

+24 Vdc o-|-o\ |
| \ |
| o-|-o Output (max. 0.5A)
| |
+36 Vdc o-|-o |
| |
| uC |
| |

The purpose of this cirucit is to transmit a low baud rate serial communication
signal (~10 KBaud) over a supply line:

V(t) |
| (Serial data)
36V -| +-+ +---+ +---+
| | | | | | |
24V -|----+ +-+ +---+ +----------- (DC)
+-------------------------------------> time

I've tried a very simple switch with a NPN & a PNP plus some resistors and a
diode, but the result hasn't been as expected, and the efficiency is quite low.
Besides, a 1 KOhm load resistor is needed in order to increase the switching ti-
me (from 36V to 24).
I would prefer to limitate the emission of the circuit, that is, the switching
shouldn't radiate too much.
Any one can help me? Any proposal is welcome

Thanx in advance!

use fdm

You would be better off using a frequency division multipex system. At each end split the line into high and low frequency outputs. (Inductor to the power path and capacitor to the signalling path.) Use fsk on a vco at the sending end and a PLL at the receiving end for the data.

Thanks flatulent for you reply!!

I don't want/need a fsk modulation (this would complicate my design), actually, my design suports this low baud velocity (9600). I was thinking in a Mosfet conmutation with some second order circuit to attenuate the switching noise.

What do you thing about this?

Thanks a lot!!!

try this

How about putting a regulator on the load end to eliminate the noise. Then use a series zener and a FET to short it out. This will give you the two voltage levels. Then at the load end use a voltage divider to get the levels down and then put it to a comparator.

Thanks a lot flatulent,,!!!!!!

But, how could be the schematic of the switching source?,
Actually at the end load, as you say , I put a TRT as a comparator to read the transmition...

a lot of Thanks!!!!


The attachment is one way to make your functions.

Hi Flatulent!!!

Thanks for the schematic!!!!

My design is like yours, using npn & pnp bipolar transistor, but the switching induces a lot of noise of radiated emi, and it requires a load in the line.
I was thinking to implement it with power mosfets to reduce emi (or a ressonant circuit).... i don't know....


try this

Here are other options.

Run a second wire for the signalling.

Slow down the switching by putting a capacitor across the base-emitter terminals of the two transistors.

Put a series resistor and shunt capacitor at the input of the regulator.

I supose that you don't like the option of the mosfet.
Do you know where i could find the topology of the design?,

Thanks a lot!

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