Question about changing pin assignment for I2C on ATtiny45

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Newbie level 5
Mar 17, 2005
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Hi All!

I was given a pcb with ATtiny45 connected to AD7416 temperature sensor via I2C bus. My task was to write a program that reads the temperature but here I've faced some troubles.
First the pin assignation confused me. PB0 is used for SCL and PB1 is used for SDA in that pcb, while datasheet points that PB0 should be used for SDA and PB2 for SCL.

The question is: Is it possible to reconfigure somehow pin assignation in order to use hardware USI module with my pin assignation? I never used micros from ATMEL before so any suggest highly appreciable.

attiny45 i2c

aliko said:
Hi All!
Is it possible to reconfigure somehow pin assignation in order to use hardware USI module with my pin assignation? I never used micros from ATMEL before so any suggest highly appreciable.

You cannot reconfigure the pin assignment, but you can change the wires on your board.


Use the bit-bang I2c routines I have attached below. I use it all the time and it works perfectly, and does not use that much code space. (you have 4K in your attiny45!) I set up the pin assignment according you what your board requires (please check it)

;The device address constant (ADDR24LC64 in this case) needs to match that of the 
;EEPROM being used. The 24LC64 and 24LC256 use address A0 when their address pins are tied low.

;There are two main subroutines of interest.

;WriteI2Mem writes the byte contained in register "I2WData" into the EEPROM location
;pointed to by ZH,ZL.

;ReadI2Mem reads the byte at the EEPROM location pointed to by ZH,ZL and returns the byte in
;register "temp".

;**************Start I2C Memory Driver Constants and Registers
;temp and I2WDtata must be high registers
.def	DCounter	= r2
.def	temp		= r16	;
.def	I2WData	= r20	; Write data for EEPROM routines

; I2C Device addressing
.equ	ADDR24LC64	= 0xA0	; 'LC64, 'LC128, and 'LC256 address byte 
.equ	I2CREAD	= 0x01	; read/write bit = read
.equ	I2CWRITE	= 0x00	; read/write bit = write
.equ	I2CDelayConstant=$04 	; Constant for delay loop- change as function of uC clock frequency

; IO Port Bits
.equ	bSDA		= 1	;* SET THIS The bit on the I/O Port used for SDA
.equ	bSCL		= 0	;* SET THIS The bit on the I/O Port used for SCL
.equ	mSDA		= (1<<bSDA);Calculate binary value corresponding to I/O port bit for masking
.equ	mSCL		= (1<<bSCL);Calculate binary value corresponding to I/O port bit for masking

;Port B
.equ	I2CPORT 	= PORTB	;*Set to correspond to I/O Port used for I2C
.equ	I2CDDR  	= DDRB	;*Set to correspond to I/O Port used for I2C
.equ	I2CPIN  	= PINB	;*Set to correspond to I/O Port used for I2C

	push	temp
	ldi	temp,I2CDelayConstant
	dec	temp
	brne	delaymore
	pop	temp
; Initialize I2C interface, ports, etc.
	; Set up port assignments
	ldi	temp,mSCL		; SCL only output by default
	out	I2CDDR,temp		
	out	I2CPORT,temp	; All outputs high, input pullups disabled
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSDA	; Data line always drives low if driven
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; SDA as input to start with - floats high
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; Set SCL low to try and avoid...
	sbi	I2CDDR,bSCL		; ...false start transitions
	rcall	I2CDelay
	rjmp	I2CStop		; Stop any erroneous transfer
; I2CStart
; Send I2C start condition
; Assumes SCL and SDA are high to start with.
; Leaves SCL and SDA low
	rcall	I2CDelay	
	sbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; Drive data line low (start bit)
	rcall	I2CDelay
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; Clock line low (ready to start)
; I2CStop
; Send I2C stop condition
; Assumes SCL is low to start with, SDA may be in either state
; Leaves SCL and SDA high
	sbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; SDA driven low
	rcall	I2CDelay	
	sbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; Clock line high (ready to stop)
	rcall	I2CDelay	
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; Data line floats high (stop bit)
	rcall	I2CDelay
ReadI2Mem:	; Reads external memory at Z to temp
	rcall	I2CStart
	ldi	I2WData,(ADDR24LC64|I2CWRITE)
	rcall	I2CSendAddress
	brne	ReadI2MemError	; No ack!
	mov	I2WData,ZH
	rcall	I2CSendByte
	mov	I2WData,ZL
	rcall	I2CSendByte
	rcall	I2CStop
	rcall	I2CDelay
	rcall	I2CStart
	ldi	I2WData,(ADDR24LC64|I2CREAD)
	rcall	I2CSendAddress
	brne	ReadI2MemError	; No ack!
	ldi	I2WData,1		; Don't send ack
	rcall	I2CReadByte
	rcall	I2CStop
	clr	DCounter
	dec	DCounter
	brne	ReadI2MemErrorDelay
	rjmp	ReadI2Mem	; and try again
WriteI2Mem:				; Writes I2WData to external memory at Z
	mov	temp,I2WData	; save value
	rcall	I2CStart
	ldi	I2WData,(ADDR24LC64|I2CWRITE)
	rcall	I2CSendAddress
	brne	WriteI2MemError	; No ack!
	mov	I2WData,ZH
	rcall	I2CSendByte
	mov	I2WData,ZL
	rcall	I2CSendByte
	mov	I2WData,temp
	rcall	I2CSendByte
	rcall	I2CStop

	rcall	I2CStop
	clr	DCounter
	dec	DCounter
	brne	WriteI2MemErrorDelay
	mov	I2WData,temp 	; restore data value
	rjmp	WriteI2Mem		; and try again
; I2CReadByte Read a byte from the I2C bus and acknowledge
; If I2WData is zero, acknowledge is sent, otherwise not.
; Byte is returned in temp
; Leaves SCL low, I2C bus not driven.
	ldi	temp,8
	mov	DCounter,temp
	clr	temp
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; release bus (floats high)	
	sbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock high
	rcall	I2CDelay	
	add	temp,temp	
	sbic	I2CPIN,bSDA		; if SDA clear, skip increment
	inc	temp	
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock low
	rcall	I2CDelay
	dec	DCounter
	brne	I2CReadBits
	tst	I2WData		; Send an ACK...?
	brne	I2CReadBitsNack	
	sbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; yes... drive data bus low
	sbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock high
	rcall	I2CDelay
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock low
	rcall	I2CDelay
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; release bus (floats high)
; I2CSendByte
; Sends 8 bits of data from I2WData and listens for an ACK at the
; end. Returns Z if ack received, else NZ.
; Assumes a start condition has already been sent, and SDA and SCL
; are low Leaves SCL low, SDA not driven. Uses DCounter and I2WData.
	push	temp
	ldi	temp,8
	mov	DCounter,temp
	pop	temp
	add	I2WData,I2WData
	brcc	I2CSendBits0
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; send 1 (floats high)
	rjmp	I2CSendBits1
	sbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; send 0 (drives low)
	rcall	I2CDelay
	sbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock high
	rcall	I2CDelay
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock low
	dec	DCounter
	brne	I2CSendBits
	cbi	I2CDDR,bSDA		; stop driving data bus
	rcall	I2CDelay
	sbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock high
	rcall	I2CDelay
	in	I2WData,I2CPIN	; sample data bus
	cbi	I2CPORT,bSCL	; clock low
	rcall	I2CDelay
	andi	I2WData,mSDA	; check ack bit (z set if OK)

Just include this routine as an include file or copy and paste it into your main code.

In your initialization routine, you need to call the I2CStart routine.
To write, set up your address in Z registers, copy your data to I2WData and call WriteI2Mem.

To read, set up your address in Z registers and call ReadI2Mem. Data will appear in temp register.

I hope you understand assembly!

Good Luck

i2c attiny45

Thank you very much for your promptest respond, ctownsend! I've already found one implementation of software i2c master here: **broken link removed**
Now trying to get it working! First time I've ran it I've found that data shifts whith ~ 30 kHz while protocol ascribes 100 or 400 kHz. May be it is the reason why I'm steel not getting reply from slave.
I'm not much fluent whith assembler nor whith that micro so it would take some time to understand code functioning and how the CPU frequency can be changed. I've tryed to change CLKPCE and CLKPS with no effect on speed of data outputting.

atmel attiny45 microcontroller pin assignments

Here's another link in avr c source:
**broken link removed**

It uses a DS1621, but the I2C routines could be of some use to you.

Good Luck

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