Question about cellphone charger circuit

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Newbie level 4
Dec 8, 2011
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I have a cellphone charger that I'm not using so i decided to take it apart.
the circuit inside it wasn't what i was expected like ac dc converters that i've seen before
it has 6 terminal transformer(4 input and 2 output), and before that it has a small circuit which I can't understand.
Could you please tell me what kind of circuit is it, and if I can use the transformer in another normal ac dc converter circuit(like full wave bridge rectifier)

The transformer which they have used is to step down the input supply. The capacitors are used to filter the ripples and also to get a pure Dc supply. The IC decides the voltage level to be charged in the battery. The image and the component specifications are not clear. can you update it clearly. i guess That the rectifying diodes are in the middle.

What IC? All I can see (vaguely) is a part that looks like a transistor. Probably that's used as an electronic on/off switch of sorts. The wires to the left, is that AC mains or low-voltage output to the cellphone?

Looks like a small SMPS, see this recent thread on the subject:

and if I can use the transformer in another normal ac dc converter circuit(like full wave bridge rectifier)
Probably not. For starters, such a small transformer would only be able to supply very low power when used at 50/60 Hz. For higher-frequency use you'd need a circuit around it, like what already comes with it. Which would be difficult to modify for your own purposes without specifications of the parts used.

Unfortunately / as usual for things like this, it's kind of throw-away stuff: use as is, or get a replacement for the whole thing.

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