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[QuestaSim] How to add signals from Source code to Wave window?

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Feb 17, 2012
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Hi All,

How to add signals from the Source Code Window to Wave Window? When I right click on the signals and choose 'Add' submenu, all the options are in grey color. Why?

Thank you!

To add signal in wave window, used the local (for variable when you have selected the process in the "sim" view) or object view.
or "add wave..." command

But how to add signals from the Source Code window to Wave?

When I right click on a signal in the Source Code window, then 'Add -> To Wave', all the options are in Grey Color there, drag & drop also doesn't work...

What wrong? Why is not possible to add signals to Waves directly from Source Code?

I donno how to add from the source code window, but I follow something else.

At the extreme left-hand side is the "hierarchical module listing window". Click on the moule whose signals you are interested to view. In the window immediately beside this "hierarchical module listing window", slightly right, is another window on which you can the signals. Select on the signal of interest and drag-drop to the waveform window!

cannot see the "hierarchical module listing window"... Can you please upload a snapshot please ?

when you click right on the source code, you have "Add to" menu, and you could add to list/wave...

Does the drag & drop of signals from Source to Waves always work? Sometime it works for me, sometimes doesn't...
Actually I use '+acc' switch along with the vsim command for the full debug mode (hoping to get all the signals being visible). Here is an example:
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.<top_module_name>
But, for restarting the simulation, I use 'restart' command. Probably this command brings me out of the full debug mode? Is there any idea?
How to restart the simulation without exiting the full debug mode?
Thank you!

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