PWM Three phase inverter

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Apr 22, 2012
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Hi! Excuse my bad English.
I use CCS compiler and PIC-18f2431 Processor
Can someone tell me how the modulated signal should look like? Some datasheet would help.

Find AN899! The output signal form the controller has pulse shape. After that there are 2 options. First directly passing this pulses to the power circuit. Your load (if it`s inductive) will "transform" this pulses to something near to sinusoidal voltage. If your load is not inductive it`s a good idea to use output pulse transformer or output filter.
Second way is to use a triangular voltage and the signal on your power circuit to be a sum of both(and again the load will make the changes if it`s inductive).
You must know the register that holds the value of the output frequency and this with the duty cycle are different. This with the duty cycle is 4 times bigger. This means if you load 200 for frequency the max value for duty cycle is 800.


HI rikotech8.

For 3 phase sine wave inverter it needs 6 complementary sine modulated output with deadtime generation. which is already implemented in hardware of 18F2431 architecture. You just have to set corresponding SFR's and a sine lookup table which will fed sine modulated PWM duty values to the duty register 120 degree apart to other. Please for details download AN900 from Microchip. Its also done with 18Fxx31.
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