PWM current control with FPGA - help with setup

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Newbie level 3
Oct 16, 2009
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PWM current control

I have a solenoid with 0-0.8mA current range driven using PWM. The coil resistance is 14ohms and inductance is 14mH. I am using an FPGA to do the closed loop current control, Servoing at 24K. The feedback current is read through a 1 ohm sense resistor. Required pwm resolution is 12bit.

Does anyone have enough experience to help me determine if this is a good configuration??

PWM current control

I'm probably missing a piece, but usually, the constant current driving is done with an OpAmp. FPGA could provide a setpoint for the OpAmp via PWM. Is that what you were planning to do? Are you planning to run your servo loop at the rate of 24kHz?

Re: PWM current control

Yes i do have an opamp for feedback. The servo rate is 20k and PWM frequency is 24K. Does that sound good?

PWM current control

I have a feeling that a good PWM frequency would be a multiple of the servo rate (20kHz, 40, 60 etc).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want 12-bit resolution with 20kHz frequency, 80MHz clock.

Re: PWM current control

Yes you are right the clock should be 80MHz. Dont you thing there would be aliasing problems if the PWM frequency is equal to servo rate.

PWM current control

Do you actually mean 0-0.8mA current range, 1 ohm sense resistor, PWM to control it?

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