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pulse generator (radar) VHDL

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jan 21, 2013
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Hi all,

i need to write VHDl code to produce a square wave output with an amplitude of 2.8v and duration 2 ms every 100 ms as a simulated radar output. Your help will be much appreciated as my lack of Vhdl coding has become apparent.


I guess you need a counter to divide the clock, whe the counter reaches certain value, pull up the flag. remember sync the flag signal before you apply the it to control other logic.

I have tried using state machines and counters with a clock divide but have problems synthesising if I try to use a way for statement or use a rising and falling edge statement in the same process. What is the flag counter?

library IEEE;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity Pulse_outgoing is
Port ( h10z : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
pulse : out STD_LOGIC);
end Pulse_outgoing;

architecture Behavioral of Pulse_outgoing is

signal pulse_int: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);


process (reset, h10z)

if reset = '1' then
pulse_int <= "00";
elsif (rising_edge (h10z)) then
if pulse_int < "11" then
pulse_int <= pulse_int + '1';
else pulse_int <= "00";
end if;
end if;
end process;

process (pulse_int)


case pulse_int is

when "00" => pulse <= '0';
when "01" => pulse <= '1';
when "10" => pulse <= '0';
when "11" => pulse <= '1';
when others => pulse <= '0';

end case;
end process;

end behavioral;

No problems it works but not for what I need my outgoing pulse is well over the 2 ms pulse I need as I want a duty cycle close to 10% not the 70 or 80 this method is giving me. I tried dividing the pulse by 2 but the divide code I tried wouldn't work.

entity Pulse_outgoing is
Port ( clck : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
pulse : out STD_LOGIC);
end Pulse_outgoing;

architecture Behavioral of Pulse_outgoing is

signal count1 : integer range 0 to 100000 := 100000;
signal count2 : integer range 0 to 49000000 := 49000000;
type state is (s1,s2);
signal current: state :=s1;


process (clck, reset)


if (clck'event and clck = '1') then

case current is

when s1 =>

if (count1 = 100000) then
current <= s2;
count1 <= 0;
else count1 <= count1 +1;
pulse <= '1';
end if;

when s2 =>

if (count2 = 49000000) then
current <= s2;
count2 <= 0;
else count2 <= count2 +1;
pulse <= '0';
end if;

when others => null;
end case;

end if;
end process;

end behavioral;

next one im trying except now my outgoing pulse produces nothing when testbench.

No problems it works but not for what I need my outgoing pulse is well over the 2 ms pulse I need as I want a duty cycle close to 10% not the 70 or 80 this method is giving me. I tried dividing the pulse by 2 but the divide code I tried wouldn't work.

You don't want 10% you want 2ms out of 100ms so it's 2%. What you originally wrote with the four states was a 50% duty cycle pulse. if you want 2% you'll have to have at least 50 counts with only 1 count being the pulse.

The clock will have to have a 2ms period.

I get the impression you're not a HW type.

Nope not at all lets say I'm more comfortable with physical engineering not programming. But thanks for the reply!

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