Pull Down resistor at port0 ?

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Member level 2
Jul 22, 2014
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Hello All,

Is it possible to connect some IO Pins of PORT0 (At89s52 MCU) to Pull Down ?

In more specific when it is worked as output pin.

To achieve what?

Port0 needs pull-up resistors to get a statical non-zero output voltage.

Datasheet explains:

Hiii FVM,

Please find block diagram for more information.
Here i drive relay by switching ground through transistor.

As you can read from the datasheet, your circuit doesn't work. The transistor will be never turned on.

I guess you want to assure that the relay isn't turned on unintentionally, e.g during µC reset. The only save way to achieve this with a 8051 processor is to an active low controlled relay driver, e.g. a PNP transistor or a NPN transistor with additional inverter.
As the PORT0 of 8051 microcontroller is open drain. So externally you need to connect a pull-up to make it work. Jay when you try to make that particular pin high from port 0 it won't work. So make a pull-up resistor and use a PNP transistor to drive a relay or still if you want to use NPN add a inverter after the pull-up resistor.
Hi FVM ,

Thank you for your reply.

Dear Surendhar,

Actually i thought to use PNP transistor but as somewhere i read that it is not recommended to use PNP transistor for switching ground of circuit. So i didnt use PNP.
But according to you i will try practically by using PNP transistor.
Thank you for your advice.

Dear FvM,
As you said "The only save way to achieve this with a 8051 processor is to an active low controlled relay driver, e.g. a PNP transistor or a NPN transistor with additional inverter"

can you please suggest me any example of this type of circuit or any practical circuit ?

Notice that the port inactive output state must be high.

- - - Updated - - -

Simplified for 8051 open drain outputs

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