Junior Member level 2

I am having trouble getting the expected voltage transfer characteristic in PSPICE. I am using the LM311 model out of the opamp.olb library that is on Orcad's site.
Basically I am fixing one input at 6V and sweeping the other input from 0 to 12V. I expect to see the output go from 0 to 12V or vice-versa. My result is that it is 12V for the entire sweep. I also get a message that there are warnings in the session log.
Here is the "Simulation Output File". I have also attached the schematic (I am using Capture), as well as the plot I obtained.
Anyone have an idea what is wrong?
I have also tried the built-in LM111 in the EVAL library, but there I get an error that references a node that isn't anywhere else in the netlist. But first things first, can someone help with the LM311?

* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of pspiceev.ini file:
.lib "nom.lib"
*Analysis directives:
.DC LIN PARAM X 0 12 .01
.INC ""
**** INCLUDING ****
* source LM311
V_V1 12V 0 12Vdc
V_V3 N02302 0 {X}
V_V2 N02351 0 6V
R_R1 0 VOUT 1G
R_R2 VOUT 12V 1k
**** RESUMING lm311-schematic1-myprof.sim.cir ****
.INC "lm311-SCHEMATIC1.als"
**** INCLUDING lm311-SCHEMATIC1.als ****
V_V1 V1(+=12V -=0 )
V_V3 V3(+=N02302 -=0 )
V_V2 V2(+=N02351 -=0 )
R_R1 R1(1=0 2=VOUT )
R_R2 R2(1=VOUT 2=12V )
_ _(Vout=VOUT)
_ _(12V=12V)
_ _(12V=12V)
**** RESUMING lm311-schematic1-myprof.sim.cir ****
Basically I am fixing one input at 6V and sweeping the other input from 0 to 12V. I expect to see the output go from 0 to 12V or vice-versa. My result is that it is 12V for the entire sweep. I also get a message that there are warnings in the session log.
Here is the "Simulation Output File". I have also attached the schematic (I am using Capture), as well as the plot I obtained.
Anyone have an idea what is wrong?
I have also tried the built-in LM111 in the EVAL library, but there I get an error that references a node that isn't anywhere else in the netlist. But first things first, can someone help with the LM311?

* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of pspiceev.ini file:
.lib "nom.lib"
*Analysis directives:
.DC LIN PARAM X 0 12 .01
.INC ""
**** INCLUDING ****
* source LM311
V_V1 12V 0 12Vdc
V_V3 N02302 0 {X}
V_V2 N02351 0 6V
R_R1 0 VOUT 1G
R_R2 VOUT 12V 1k
**** RESUMING lm311-schematic1-myprof.sim.cir ****
.INC "lm311-SCHEMATIC1.als"
**** INCLUDING lm311-SCHEMATIC1.als ****
V_V1 V1(+=12V -=0 )
V_V3 V3(+=N02302 -=0 )
V_V2 V2(+=N02351 -=0 )
R_R1 R1(1=0 2=VOUT )
R_R2 R2(1=VOUT 2=12V )
_ _(Vout=VOUT)
_ _(12V=12V)
_ _(12V=12V)
**** RESUMING lm311-schematic1-myprof.sim.cir ****